The Department of Chemistry was established in 1995. The department offers Undergraduate (from 1995), Masters (from 2003) and Doctoral programs (from 2005). Since 2008, the department has emerged as full-fledged University department of PRIST Deemed to be University. The department has a dedicated team of staff members and distinguished faculty, trained at renowned Institutes from India and abroad. Along with teaching, the faculty members devote equal commitment to research. Also, they attract financial support for their research activities from both government and non-government bodies.

Faculty along with student teams organize seminars, conferences, workshops, that provide a platform for scientific inquiry among students and faculty from both PRIST and elsewhere.


  • To be a model department in imparting knowledge to the students.
  • To be involved in current research applying innovative experimental techniques.
  • To prepare the students face the challenges trending in the industry ecosystem.


  • Imparting to the student’s sound knowledge in chemistry with strong fundamentals.
  • Provide impetus to research and development.
  • Foster innovation in technological growth.
  • Encourage entrepreneurship.

  Strive to recognize and solve problems of mankind.

B.Sc.  Chemistry (3-year Programme)

Programme Outcomes – POs

  • To understand basic facts and concepts in Chemistry while retaining the exciting aspects of Chemistry so as to develop interest in the study of chemistry as a discipline.
  • To develop the ability to apply the principles of Chemistry.
  • To appreciate the achievements in Chemistry and to recognize the role of Chemistry in nature and in society.
  • To develop problem solving skills.
  • To be familiar with the emerging areas of Chemistry and their applications in various spheres of Chemical sciences and to apprise the students of its relevance in future studies.
  • To develop skills in the proper handling of apparatus and chemicals.
  • To be exposed to the different processes used in industries and their applications.

M.Sc.  Chemistry (2-year Programme)

Programme Outcomes – POs

  • Think critically and analyze chemical problems.
  • Present scientific and technical information resulting from laboratory experimentation in  both written and oral formats.
  • Work effectively and safely in a laboratory environment
  • Use technologies/instrumentation to gather and analyze data
  • Work in teams as well as independently
  • Apply modern methods of analysis to chemical systems in a laboratory setting

PhD Programme

The Ph.D. programme includes an integrated sequence of coursework and research in various branches of Chemistry. The scholars are considered based on the entrance examination conducted by PRIST.

Value Added Courses:

  1. Certificate Courses:
    • Certificate course on Water Resource Management Pollution & Health
    • Certificate course on Crystallization and Chromatography Techniques
    • Certificate course on Molecular Structure Drawing Tool
    • Certificate course on-UV-Visible, IR Spectroscopic Instrumentation and Separation Techniques
    • Certificate course on Drug Design

More information on admission to all the above programmes may be had at ( )

  1. Ramarajan, R., Ramalingam, A., Duraisamy, C., Sambandam, S., Issaoui, N., Al-Dossary, O. M., & Bousiakoug, L. G. (2023). Catalytic multicomponent synthesis, biological evaluation, molecular docking and in silico ADMET studies of some novel 3-alkyl indoles. Journal of King Saud University-Science, 35(2), 102475.
  2. Ramalingam, A., Duraisamy, C., Louis, H., Ramarajan, R., Imojara, A., Sambandam, S., & Benjamin, I. (2024). Study of new carbonitrile as an anti-muscular dystrophy agent: crystal, vibrational spectroscopy, molecular docking, electronic and intermolecular interaction investigations by the DFT method. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1299, 137031.
  3. Durgadevi, T., Devika, K., Anburaj, G., & Valliammai, C. T. (2024). In-vitro and in-silico studies of anticancer activity for chemical compounds of Tecoma stans extract against human breast cancer (MCF-7). Ecology, Environment & Conservation (0971765X)30.
  4. Durgadevi, T., Devika, K., Anburaj, G., & Valliammai, C. T. (2024). To determine the antioxidant mechanism of action, biochemical compounds in Tecoma stans (L. Juss. ex Kunth) were analyzed using GC-MS, HPLC, UV-VIS, and FTIR techniques. Ecology, Environment & Conservation (0971765X)30.
  5. Praveen, B., Manikandan, R., Varma, M. S., Anburaj, G., Chinnaraja, D., Prabu, C. S., & Revathi, M. (2024). Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) characterization of antibacterial and antioxidant properties using Myristica fragrans ethanol extract.  J. Curr. Res. Chem. Pharm. Sci11(3), 52-62.
  6. Natarajan, M., Manikandan, R., Varma, M. S., Anburaj, G., Chinnaraja, D., & Gobinath, S. (2024). Preparation and properties of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles through the aqueous precipitation method.  J. Curr. Res. Chem. Pharm. Sci11(3), 15-21.
  7. Devika, K., Manikandan, R., & Anburaj, G. Synthesis of copper nanoparticles with the antioxidative properties of Tabebuia rosea (Linn.) extract .2023
  8. Green Synthesis and Characterization of Iron Nanoparticles Synthesized from Aqueous Extract of Tabebuia rosea Family Bignoniacae) and in silico study of ferrous metal iron. .2023
  9. Narayanan, M., Gothandapani, A., Venugopalan, R., Rethinam, M., Pitchai, S., Alahmadi, T. A., … & Brindhadevi, K. (2023). Antioxidant and anticancer potential of ethyl acetate extract of bark and flower of Tecoma stans (Linn) and In Silico studies on phytoligands against Bcl 2 and VEGFR2 factors. Environmental Research231, 116112.

The thrust areas of research of the department are Organic Synthesis, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Supramolecular Chemistry, Crystallography, Computational Chemistry, Phytochemistry and Electrochemistry. The faculties of the department have published research articles in high-impact journals of leading scientific publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley  Interscience, Springer, American Chemical Society (ACS) and Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), etc.


Extramural Research grant

Name of the




Name of the Principal

Investigator/ Co Investigator (if


Name of the







Year of




(Amount in


Design and Development of Biodiesel Waste portable Genset(both Micro and Mini Scale)

Dr.J.S.Nirmal Ram and Dr.TTM Kannan

SDL Enterprise




Carbon-Carbon cross coupling reaction through Reductive Elimination with Iron-catalyst; Spin state influences, Electronic structural and mechanistic studies through DFT

Dr. D.Senthilnathan

Department of Science and Technology (DST) Govt, of  India





Seed Money:


Academic Year

Amount Sanctioned,

Amount in Rs

Title of the Project




Interaction of Benzothiazole derivatives with native and modified β-cyclodextrins through host-guest complexation: in vitro study of breast cancer cell line

Dr. D. Chinnaraja



Multicomponent Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, Molecular Docking Studies of Novel 3-Alkyl Indoles

Dr.N.V. Prabhu



Development of High Dense Ion Exchange Composite Electrolyte for Fuel Cells

Dr. P. Parthiban



Electronic Transitions, Inter- and Intra-Bond Interactions of an Azabicycle Single Crystal using DFT

Dr. D. Senthilnathan



Metalloenzymes: Functional Model to Real Enzymes and vice versa – A Theoretical Study

Dr. J.S. Nirmal Ram



Crystal Engineering of Nutraceuticals for Diabetes Management


Some recent publications in Journals

Catalytic multicomponent synthesis, biological evaluation, molecular docking and in silico ADMET studies of some novel 3-alkyl indoles

Chinnaraja Duraisamy

Journal of King Saud University – Science 35 (2023), 1-10

Hybrid Polyurethane/Polypyrrole Composite Coatings on Passivated 316L SS for Surface Protective Action against Corrosion in Saline Medium

MK Arumugam, YA Akeem, V Jothi, JS NirmalRam, MR Mohammad

Corrosion and Materials degradation Corros. Mater. Degrad. (2022)

Trace-level analysis of genotoxic sulfonate ester impurities in teneligliptin by GC-MS

M Maniavannan, P Ilayaraja, P Parthiban

Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 12 (11), 052-060(2022)

Synthesis, crystal structure determination and Hirshfeld surface analysis of three new salt forms of creatinine with hydrobromic acid, 3-aminobenzoic acid and 3, 5 …

N Jeyaraman Selvaraj, U Sathya, S Gomathi, S Jegan Jennifer, …

Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry 78 (8), 437-448(2022)

Deciphering the origin of million-fold reactivity observed for the open core diiron [HO-Fe III-O-Fe IV= O] 2+ species towards CH bond activation: role of spin-states, spin …

M Ansari, D Senthilnathan, G Rajaraman

Chem. Sci 11, 10669-10687

Redox Self‐Adaptation of a Nitrene Transfer Catalyst to the Substrate Needs

E Gouré, D Senthilnathan, G Coin, F Albrieux, F Avenier, P Dubourdeaux, …

Angewandte Chemie 129 (15), 4369-4373

Origin of the enhanced reactivity of μ-nitrido-bridged diiron (IV)-oxo porphyrinoid complexes over cytochrome P450 Compound I

MG Quesne, D Senthilnathan, D Singh, D Kumar, P Maldivi, AB Sorokin, …

ACS Catalysis 6 (4), 2230-2243

A Non-Covalent Bonding Interaction Between Amitriptyline And Beta-Cyclodextrin: Comparisons Of In-Vitro Cytotoxic Activity Against Breast Cancer Cell Line

M Viswalingam, M Murugan, S Prabu, K Sivakumar, A Arumugam, …

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 7 (06), 2020

Books / Book Chapters

Book Chapter – Chapter 28: Noncovalent interactions in biocatalysis- A theoretical perspective

Velmurugan, G., Solomon, R.V., Senthilnathan, D., Venuvanalingam, P.

RSC Catalysis Series, Volume 2019-January, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 608-627

ISSN: 17576725, ISBN: 978-178801723-7,DOI: 10.1039/9781788016490-00608

Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

  • 2020 – Dr.J.S.Nirmal Ram – Bursary award for participating in CCP4 Crystallographic School in South Africa, ‘Data Collection to Structure Refinement and Beyond’, from 31 March to 8 April 2020.University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.

    2018 – Dr.P.Parthiban- Research Professor award from Inha University, Incheon-Seoul, Korea , Feb 2018 -Jan2019

    2018 – Dr.D.Senthilnathan–‘Best Researcher Award’- PRIST Deemed to be University

    2018 – Dr.J.S.Nirmal Ram – ‘Best teacher Award’- PRIST Deemed to be University

    2018 – Ms.Salai Kalai Selvi – Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the DST sponsored project –’Carbon-Carbon cross coupling reaction through Reductive Elimination with Iron-catalyst; Spin state influences, Electronic structural and mechanistic studies through DFT’

  • Cultural Fest on “Chem-Fest 2024” held on 16.04.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Technical Fest on “Chemistry Department Technical Fest-24” held on 16.04.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Career Counseling Program on “Formulae for Success” held on 20.03.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Soft Skills Program on “Employability Skills Program” held on 07.03.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Competitive Examination Guidance Program on “Success to TNPSC” held on 05.02.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Awareness of Trends and Technology Program on “A Curated List of Cheminformatics Software and Libraries” held on 26.10.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Career Counseling Program on “Higher Education in India: Challenges and Opportunities” held on 19.10.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Club Activities Program on “Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Research Club (GSIRC)” held on 17.10.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Soft Skills Program on “Communication Skills and Interview Techniques” held on 04.09.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Language & Communication Skills Program on “Writing an Article for the Press” held on 29.08.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Language & Communication Skills Program on “Trends in Communication” held on 29.08.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Life Skills Program on “Workshop on Reference Management Using Mendeley Cite with Microsoft Office 365” held on 30.08.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Competitive Examination Guidance Program on “SET and NET Coaching for Success” held on 22.08.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Life Skills Program on “Analytical Chemistry: Data Analysis” held on 15.03.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
  • Special Seminar on ‘Nanoscience’ 1st November 2022 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
  • Seminar on ‘Concepts in Bioinorganic Chemistry’ 5th May 2022 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
  • Webinar on ‘Supramolecular Chemistry: Analytical methods and biomedical applications’ 24th April 2021 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
  • Webinar on ‘Corrosion and its Mitigation Strategies: Fundamental Aspects and Recent Approaches’ 13th April 2021 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
  • Hands on Training on ‘X-ray Crystallography and Interpretation’ on 22/09/2019 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
  • International Conference on Advanced Chemical and Structural Biology – ICACSB-2019 between 19th to 21st February 2019 at PRIST Deemed to be University
  • Summer School on ‘Drug Discovery and Development’ during 16th – 20th July 2018 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
  • Lecture-cum-Workshop on ‘Interpretation of Spectral, Chromatographic, Crystallographic, Computational data of Chemical systems’ January 28-30, 2016. Jointly organized by PRIST University and IICPT, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.

Head, Department of Chemistry, School of Arts and Science,



