The Department of Mathematics was established in 1995. The department offers Undergraduate (from 2008), Masters (from 2008), and Doctoral programs (from 2005). Since 2008, the department has emerged as full-fledged University Department of PRIST Deemed to be University.  The Department has a devoted team of staff members and distinguished faculty, graduated from renowned Institutes from India and abroad. Apart from teaching, the faculty members devote their time to academic research also.

The Department regularly organizes seminars, conferences and workshops providing platform for scientific inquiry.


  • Imparting quality education to the students and inculcating the spirit of research through innovative teaching and research methodologies.
  • To prepare the students to face the challenges in real world.
  • To become a centre of academic excellence in mathematics


  • Curriculum and instructional practices that enable effective student-centric learning
  • Promoting world class research in mathematics
  • Combine academics with the delight of mathematical findings
  • Range of course offerings and curriculum relevant to diversified programmes such as Science, Engineering, Arts, Business and Management

B.Sc. Mathematics (3-year Programme)

Programme Outcomes – POs

  • To understand and apply the knowledge of mathematical science to solve real life problems.
  • To design the methodology most appropriate to the problem on hand.
  • To analyze and interpret all possible solution outputs and generate novel plans based on the outputs.
  • To work in team and prioritize the success of the team.
  • To appreciate and learn the art of life-long learning.


M.Sc. Mathematics (2-year Programme)

Programme Outcomes – POs

  • To apply the knowledge of mathematical science to solve real life problems.
  • To design the methodology suitable to the challenge encountered.
  • To analyze and interpret every possible solution and bring about new ideas based on the outputs.
  • To inculcate research aptitude in the mathematical science.
  • To work in team, assume leadership and eventually prioritize the success of the team.

Ph.D. Programme

The Ph.D. programme includes an integrated sequence of course work and research in various branches of Mathematics. Scholars are selected after clearing the entrance examination conducted by PRIST.

Add on, Certificate and Diploma courses

  • Add-on level                 –   Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Mathematical Modelling
  • Certificate level            –   Quantitative Aptitude and reasoning, Business Mathematics
  • Diploma level                –   Mathematics for Competitive Examination, Statistical Methods

More information on admission to all the above programmes may be found at


  • R.Kirubaharan and A.D.Subashini (2024), “Characteristics of Radiating Carreau-Nanofluid Flow Past a Permeable Stretching Sheet with the Effects of Magnetic Field and Transpiration”, has published in Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology, ISSN: 1001-4055, Vol. 45,No. 3.
  • R.Kirubaharan and A.D.Subashini (2024), Quantitative Analysis of Magnetohdro dynamic Sustained Convective Flow via Vertical Plate”, has published in International Journal of Applied Science and Smart Technologies, Vol.6(2),p-ISSN 2655-8564,e-ISSN 2685-943,pp.407-416.
  • M. Anusiya & Dr. A. Usha (2024), Facebook Addiction: Advanced Vogel’s Approximation Method of unbalanced Fuzzy Transportation problems, Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, ISSN:1092-910X, vol 27 No.3
  • Joseph, D. R. Kirubaharan (2023), “Weaker Form of Fuzzy Minimal Open Sets and a Stronger Form of Fuzzy Mean Open Sets”, Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol. 44 No. 4, ISSN:4638-4641.
  • Joseph, D. R. Kirubaharan (2022), “Fuzzy Minimal and Maximal Δ-Open Sets”, Creative Mathematics and Informatics, ISSN 1584 – 286X,ISSN 1843 – 441X, Vol 31, No:2, (UGC Care)
  • R.Kirubaharan & K.Sreejil (2022), “Strong and Weak Perfect Dominating Set in Fuzzy Graph” in Scopus-Indexed Peer-Reviewed International Journal named by “Lecture JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC STATISTICS”(Vol 13, No 1, p.19-24. ISSN: 1309-3452
  • Pius, A., & Kirubaharan, D. R. (2022, May), “An effective analysis of cryptography and importance of implementing cryptography in fuzzy graph theory” in Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Artificial Intelligence: ICCAI 2021 (pp. 317-327). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  • R. Kirubaharan & Anu Pius. (2021), “Application of Cryptography in Data Privacy using Fuzzy Graph Theory”, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Taylor & Francis., Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 2389–2401,ISSN 0972-0529 (Print), ISSN 2169-0065 (Online) ,DOI : 10.1080/09720529.2021.2014146
  • Joseph, R. Balakumar (2021), ”Fuzzy Paraopen Sets and Maps in Fuzzy Topological Spaces”, Annals of Communications in Mathematics, Volume 4, Number 2, 131-140,ISSN: 2582-0818
  • D.R.Kirubaharan and N. Subashini (Oct 2020), “Fuzzy Log Logistic Distribution for Hypothyroidism Deficient Patients”, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, 9 (11), 9171–9177
  • 2020-2021 Dr.A. Usha., Humcen Awards received from Honuoring Human Centered Innovations
  • Club Activity – Math Art – held on 5th September 2024.
  • Workshop on “Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation” – held on 29th August 2024.
  • Career Counseling Program on “Decision Making” – held on 8th August 2024.
  • In-House Seminar on “Impromptu Speaking” – held on 5th July 2024.
  • Soft Skills Program on “Emotional Intelligence” – held on 25th June 2024.
  • Life Skills Program on “Motivation and Perseverance” – held on 24th July 2024.
  • Workshop on “NET & SET: Achievers 2024” – held on 13th March 2024.
  • In-House Seminar on “Presentation Skills” – held on 27th February 2024.
  • Career Counseling Program on “Developing Interpersonal Skills” – held on 21st February 2024.
  • Life Skills Program on “Stress Management & Self-Care” – held on 23rd January 2024.
  • Soft Skills Program on “Developing Empathetic Leadership” – held on 4th January 2024.
  • Seminar on “English Language Enrichment Skill” – held on 24th October 2023.
  • Career Counseling Program on “Fast Track to Heights” – held on 4th October 2023.
  • Soft Skills Program on “Developing Teamwork and Rapport” – held on 23rd August 2023.
  • Workshop on “Cabri” – held on 22nd August 2023.
  • Workshop on “Coaching for Staff Selection Commission Exam” – held on 27th June 2023.
  • Life Skills Program on “Conflict Resolution” – held on 20th June 2023.
  • Club Activity – “Digit Dominators” – held on 8th June 2023.
  • One day seminar on ‘Application of Fuzzy Transportation Problem’- 16th November-2022, organized by Department of Mathematics, PRIST Deemed to be University.
  • One day seminar on ‘Mathematical Modelling’- 5th May-2022, organized by Department of Mathematics, PRIST Deemed to be University.
  • One day seminar on ‘Mathematics Tips & Tricks for CSIR-NET’-5th May-2022, organized by Department of Mathematics, PRIST Deemed to be University.
  • Guest Lecture on ‘Mathematics – An Effective Approach’ 7th October- 2020, Organized by PRIST Deemed to be University.
  • Webinar on ‘Diophantine Equation of Pellian Type’ 3rd October – 2020 Organized by PRIST Deemed to be University.
  • In- house seminar on ‘Application of Mathematical model in Physical Life’,- 13th Feb-2020, Organized by PRIST Deemed to be University

Head, Department of Mathematics, School of Arts and Science, PONNAIYAH RAMAJAYAM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY(PRIST), Vallam, Thanjavur -613403.


Phone: 04362-265021