The Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI-DS) is an interdisciplinary field that combines Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics to create intelligent System that can learn from data. The main goal of the department is to develop algorithms, tools and techniques that enable machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence such as language understanding, Image recognition and decision making. The department utilizes Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep learning other advanced technologies to build intelligent systems that can make predictions, analyze data and automate process


  • To emerge as a “Centre of Excellence in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science”, The Department is committed to inculcate discipline, offering best Technical Education and Research Opportunities and ethically strong to meet the global challenges, who in turn shall contribute to the advancement and welfare of the society.


  • To produce students with a sound understanding of the fundamentals of the theory and practice of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science.
  • To enable students to become leaders in the Industry and Academia Nationally as well as Internationally.
  • To meet the pressing demands of the nation in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

B.TECH-AIDS (4 years Programme-Full Time)

Programme Outcomes – POs         

  • PO1: Evolve AI based efficient domain specific processes for effective decision making in several domains such as business and governance domains.
  • PO2: Arrive at actionable Foresight, Insight, hindsight from data for solving business and engineering problems.
  • PO3: Create, select and apply the theoretical knowledge of AI and Data Analytics along with practical industrial tools and techniques to manage and solve wicked societal problems.
  • PO4:Develop data analytics and data visualization skills, skills pertaining to knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation and knowledge engineering, and hence be capable of coordinating complex projects.
  • PO5: Able to carry out fundamental research to cater the critical needs of the society through cutting edge technologies of AI. 

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  1. A Rule-Based Approach for Grey Hole Attack Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks’, Gowdham Chinnaraju and S. Nithyanandam, Intelligent Automation &Soft Computing 2023,
  2. Grey Hole Attack Detection and Prevention method in wireless Sensor Networks’, Gowdham Chinnaraju and S. Nithyanandam: Computer Systems Science and Engineering, ISSN:0267-6192 volume 42,Issue 1,PageNo.373-386 science citation Index(Web of Science):2020DOI:10.32604/csse.2022.020993,Tech Press.
  3. Modeling of an Efficient light Weight resistive Mechanism for Grey Hole attack Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks’, Gowdham Chinnaraju and S.Nithyanandam, Journal of Natural Volatiles &Essential oil, ISSN:2148-9637,volume8,Issue5,Page No.1821-1843,NVEO.
  4. Helmet usage analysis using deep learning’, R. Latha, International Journalof Engineering and Technology, Vol 7, ISSN 2278, Feb 2022.
  5. Smart material to build mail spam filtering technique using Naive Bayes and MRF methodologies’, S.Jancy Sickory Daisy, Elsevier, April 2021
  6. Data hiding with encrypted multi sharing using modified LSB technique’, Latha, International journal of Engineering Research &Technology, Vol.10, issue2, Feb 2021.
  7. Various approaches of machine learning and non-machine learning techniques’, S. Jancy Sickory Daisy, JETIR, Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2019.
  8. An efficient power aware monitoring system using wireless sensor network’, Latha, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN 2349 5162, vol 5, pg 1-6, May 2019.
  9. Hybrid Spam Filtration Method using Machine Learning Techniques’, S.Jancy Sickory Daisy, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075,Volume-8, Issue-9, July 2019.
  10. A Novel Development of Wireless Mesh Protocol Data Transmission Framework for Internet Based Energy Conservation’ V.Vijayasaro, S.Nithyanandam and N.Pravatham, Acta Technical, June2018.
  11. An Efficient Software Testing by Test Case Reduction, Prioritization and Parallelization’, Pradeep Udupa and S.Nithyanandam, Journal for Science Advance Research in Technology(IJSART),ISSN:2395-1052,vol.4,Issue 1, January 2018.
  12.  ‘An IoT based Real Time Implementation solution for Energy Crisis using Bluetooth’, V.Vijayasaro , S.Nithyanandam and N.Pravatham, Journal for Science Advanced Research in Technology (IJSART),ISSN:2395-1052,Vol,4,Issue1,Janunary 2018.
  • 2021-2022 – Ms.G.Krithiga – ‘Best Researcher Award’ from PRIST Deemed to be University.
  • 2019-2020 – Ms.M.R.Geetha – Junior Research Fellow (JRF).
  • 2019-2020 – Ms.A.Sowmiya – Junior Research Fellow (JRF) PRIST Deemed to be University.
  • 2018-2019 – Dr.S.Sanjeevi Kumar – ‘Best Researcher Award’ from PRIST  Deemed to be University.
  • 2017-2018– Dr.B.Kunjithapatham -‘Best Researcher Award’ from PRIST Deemed to be University
    • Seminar on ‘Empowering future within the scope of engineering &technology’, Mr.Sudharsan/Trainer CADD India Pvt Ltd, June 27, 2020.
    • NCRTE-2K19 – ‘National conference on Recent Trends in Engineering’, Dr. M. Duraiselvam, Professor, NIT, April 11, 2019.
    • One Day Workshop on ‘Python for Teachers’, Teaching Learning Centre, IIT Bombay, June 22, 2019.
    • Seminar on ‘Mobile Communication’, A.Arul Mohan, Director, AGB Infratel Private Ltd, Chennai, June 22, 2019.
    • Guest Lecture on “POSITIVE FUTURE” was delivered by Mr. C Bhuvaneshwran, Senior Business Analyst, ITC InfoTech, Bangalore and Mr. M C Naveen, Founder, 7 Angle, Thanjavur on 31.07.2023.
    • Webinar on “DATA SCIENCE AND DATA ANALYTICS” was delivered by Dr.M.Malathy M.E., Ph.D, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vel Tech Hi Tech Dr RR Dr SR Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai on 22.08.2023.
    • National Level Workshop on “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE USING DEEP LEARNING was delivered by “Mr .R. Palaniappan, Managing Director, and  Miss.Abinaya, Programmer, Infosystems, Thanjavur on 19.09.2023.
    • Department of CSE organized an Engineers Day Event on 25 September 2023.
    • Organize a “Technical Quiz 2K23” on 25.08.2023.
    • Online Alumni Meeting was conducted on 26.12.2023.
    • A Departmental Advisory committee Consisting of 5 Industry Experts, 2 Academic Experts and 2 Alumni was framed.

Head, Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, School of Engineering and Technology,

PRIST Deemed to be University, Vallam, Thanjavur -613403.


