Since its inception (2010), this centre of excellence has been actively working on inter disciplinary areas such as bio-remediation of wastewater, advanced oxidation technology, geospatial information systems, water resources and water quality modeling. With dedicated faculties the CEE is actively involved in education and research. The centre has published more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, apart from more than 50 papers in various national and international conferences and seminars, in addition to three patents were granted and ten designs were registered.
The centre conducts M.Tech program in environmental engineering along with certificate courses on GIS and Environmental statistics and data mining. The centre has also been allocated for preparing e-resources through e-PG pathshala schemes by UGC, MHRD in various areas of earth sciences at Post Graduate level.

Presently CEE has carried out a sponsored project, funded by DST (Department of Science @ Technology, Govt. of. India) on usage of deoiled cake from non edible oil seeds for textile wastewater treatment and several projects are I the pipeline. In addition, CEE has also been carrying out a consultancy project on assessment of sand-exploitation in beach mining in the coast of Tamil Nadu. Besides CEE is extending assistance to local panchayat for water quality improvement in Vallam suburb.
CEE has conducted 2 national seminars, namely STOP ABUSE-2010 and COLD-2010 (sponsored by DST) and 4 workshops, which includes three 3-day on ‘Practical Approach to GIS-Data Creation and spatial analysis’, in collaboration with Indian Geoinformatics Centre, Chennai and one 2-day workshop on ‘Basic Geo-statistical Analysis on Experimental Datasets ‘ (off-campus : Madras University).
The laboratory of the centre is well equipped with sophisticated equipments namely, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Ion Selective Electrodes, Double beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, High Volume Sampler, Water quality analyzer, BOD incubator & BOD-track and so forth. Routine analysis is also carried out for outside clients.