13th CONVOCATION ON 07-04-2024 @ 6.00 PM

13th CONVOCATION - 2024

Convocation 2024

Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science & Technology, conducted its 13th Convocation ceremony with all the grandeur and magnificence on 07th April 2024. The ceremony commenced at 5:00 PM in the auspicious presence of Dr. M.Ponnaiya Nageshwaran Honourable Chancellor PRIST and Chief Guest Dr. R.Srinivasan, Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Dr. N. Ethirajalu, President, Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Insititue of Science & Technology, Dr. T.V. Christy, Vice Chancellor, Dr. S. Udayakumar, Pro Vice Chancellor, Dr.M. Abdul Ghani Khan, Registrar and Dr. S. Nithyanandam, Special Officer. Over 1,500 students, parents and Staff Members were present to participate in this unforgettable event..