The Department of Biochemistry was instituted in 2008. Biochemistry is the point where chemistry, biology and medicine meet and it deals with the molecular interactions between various intra and inter cellular compartments of living organisms and diseases.

The Department has been established with the objectives of conducting high quality research in Biochemistry, to effectively transmit knowledge in Biochemistry to the industry, providing comprehensive Biochemical education to post-graduate students and effective guidance for the Ph.D. scholars.

The faculty aims to develop in the students, the skills needed to investigate both health and disease in biomedical research and hospital laboratory


To be recognized as a center for excellence in Biochemistry that provides a conducive setting for acquiring skills in identifying the relationship between biological and human resources eventually leading to enhancement in the quality of life.


  • To be a diverse, inclusive community that serves students, our professions and the public through innovative education, individualized advising, holistic mentoring and cutting-edge molecular life science research that enhances knowledge and solves real-life problems.
  • To impart broad-based knowledge in concepts and principles of biochemistry.
  • To identify local and global issues that need intervention and investigation by Biochemists and develop intelligent strategies and biochemical approaches in problem solving.
  • To provide opportunities for students to get hands on experience in –
    • Research oriented education delivery in Biochemistry related topics
    • Programming and application skills in drug designing and delivery
    • Molecular Biology and Biotechnology aspects
    • Industries and service organizations through apprenticeship
    • Entrepreneurial activities in Biochemistry domain.



Disciplinary knowledge: Capable of demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and understanding of one or more disciplines that form a part of an undergraduate Programme of study
Communication Skills: Ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively in writing and orally; Communicate with others using appropriate media; confidently share one’s views and express herself/himself; demonstrate the ability to listen carefully, read and write analytically, and present complex information in a clear and concise manner to different groups
Critical thinking: Capability to apply analytic thought to a body of knowledge; analyse and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, beliefs on the basis of empirical evidence; identify relevant assumptions or implications; formulate coherent arguments; critically evaluate practices, policies and theories by following scientific approach to knowledge development
Problem solving: Capacity to extrapolate from what one has learned and apply their competencies to solve different kinds of non-familiar problems, rather than replicate curriculum content knowledge; and apply one’s learning to real life situations
Analytical reasoning: Ability to evaluate the reliability and relevance of evidence; identify logical flaws and holes in the arguments of others; analyze and synthesize data from a variety of sources; draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples, and addressing opposing viewpoints
Research-related skills: A sense of inquiry and capability for asking relevant/appropriate questions, problem arising, synthesizing and articulating; Ability to recognize cause-and-effect relationships, define problems, formulate hypotheses, test hypotheses, analyses, interpret and draw conclusions from data, establish hypotheses, predict cause-and-effect relationships; ability to plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation
Cooperation/Team work: Ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams; facilitate cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group, and act together as a group or a team in the interests of a common cause and work efficiently as a member of a team
Scientific reasoning: Ability to analyse, interpret and draw conclusions from quantitative/qualitative data; and critically evaluate ideas, evidence and experiences from an open-minded and reasoned perspective
Reflective thinking: Critical sensibility to lived experiences, with self-awareness and reflexivity of both self and society
Information/digital literacy: Capability to use ICT in a variety of learning situations, demonstrate ability to access, evaluate, and use a variety of relevant information sources; and use appropriate software for analysis of data
Self-directed learning: Ability to work independently, identify appropriate resources required for a project, and manage a project through to completion
Multicultural competence: Possess knowledge of the values and beliefs of multiple cultures and a global perspective; and capability to effectively engage in a multicultural society and interact respectfully with diverse groups
Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning: Ability to embrace moral/ethical values in conducting one’s life, formulate a position/argument about an ethical issue from multiple perspectives, and use ethical practices in all work. Capable of demonstrating the ability to identify ethical issues related to one’s work, avoid unethical behaviour such as fabrication, falsification or misrepresentation of data or committing plagiarism, not adhering to intellectual property rights; appreciating environmental and sustainability issues; and adopting objective, unbiased and truthful actions in all aspects of work
Leadership readiness/qualities: Capability for mapping out the tasks of a team or an organization, and setting direction, formulating an inspiring vision, building a team who can help achieve the vision, motivating and inspiring team members to engage with that vision, and using management skills to guide people to the right destination, in a smooth and efficient way
Life long learning: Ability to acquire knowledge and skills, including learning how to learn‟, that are necessary for participating in learning activities throughout life, through self-paced and self-directed learning aimed at personal development, meeting economic, social and cultural objectives, and adapting to changing trades and demands of work place through knowledge/skill development/reskilling



To make students understand the importance of biochemistry as a subject that deals with life processes, as well as the concepts, theories and experimental approaches followed in biochemistry, in order to pursue a research career, either in an industry or academic setting
To develop analytical and problem-solving skills
To create an awareness among the students on the interconnection between the
Interdisciplinary areas of biochemistry
To give the necessary practical skills required for biochemical techniques and analysis
To develop a communication and writing skills in students
To develop leadership and teamwork skills
To emphasize the importance of good academic and work ethics and their social
To emphasize the importance of continuous learning and to promote lifelong learning and career development
To teach students how to retrieve information from a variety of sources, including libraries, databases and the internet
To teach students to identify, design and execute a research problem, analyze and
Interpret data and learn time and resource management

Ph.D. Programme

The Ph.D. programme includes an integrated sequence of coursework and research in various branches of Biochemistry. Scholars are expected to clear entrance examination conducted by PRIST.

Add-on course / Certificate Course / Diploma Course

  • Certificate Course on Vermicompost.
  • Diploma Course on Organic Farming.

More detailed information about the procedure for admission to all the above programmes
(UG / PG and PhD) may be found on the following link ( )


Research Areas and highlights

The main areas of research includes, Membrane Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, Protein Structure, Molecular Medicine and Drug Discovery, Computational Biology, Microbiology etc., The faculties of the department have published research articles in high impact journals of leading scientific publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley Interscience, Springer, American Chemical Society (ACS) and Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), etc.

Research Grants


Research Grants

Extramural Research grant

Name of the





Name of the Principal


Investigator/ Co Investigator (if


Name of the








DepartmentYear of






in Amount(Rs)

Anticancer Potencial of Baicalin Combined with Paclitaxel on Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)- An in vitro and in vivo approachDr.A.Bakrudeen Ali AhmedICMR, Government of IndiaGovernment Biochemistry201740,00,000


Seed Money

FacultyAcademic YearAmount Sanctioned,


in Amount(Rs)

Title of the Project
S.Sathishkumar2020-20217,50,000The Effect of Bioactive Compounds on In Vivo Anti Targeting Nephrin Activity in Animal Model
Dr. A.Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed2019-202070000In Silico Screening of Glycogen Ligands
Acetylcholineesterase and its Probable Relevance to Alzheimer’s Disease
Dr. S.Ambiga2019-202090000‘Analysis of Heavy Metals Accumulation in Nagapattinam Coastal Waters, South East Coast of India’
Dr. A.Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed2017-201865000In Vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites form Medicinal Plants


Publications (Journals / Book / Book Chapters)
Books / Book Chapters

  • Arunkumar Ramu, Rajendran Ranjani, Azhagu Madhavan Sivalingam, V.D. Seshadri and Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul*, ‘Anticancer Potentiated Bioactive Compounds From Marine Flora. Marine Antioxidants; Preparations, Syntheses, and Applications’, 1st Edition -September 1, 2022, Editors: Se- Kwon Kim, Kyung-Hoon Shin, Jayachandran Venkatesan, ISBN:9780323950862
  • Somasundaram Ambiga, Raja Suja Pandian, Lazarus Vijune Lawrence, Arjun Pandian, Ramu Arun Kumar, Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul, ‘Marine Algal Secondary Metabolites Are a Potential Pharmaceutical Resource for Human Society Developments’, Marine Biochemistry; Ist Edition, 2022, ISBN: 9781003303916; Pp: 1-24
  • S. Ambiga, R. Pandian, A. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, R. Ramasubbu, R. Arun Kumar, L. Vijune Lawrence, A. Pandian, S. Yesudass, S. Serdaroğlu Bose, ‘Future Trends in Biomedical Applications’, Materials Development and Processing for Biomedical Applications, Edited By Savaş Kaya, Sasikumar Yesudass, Srinivasan Arthanari, Sivakumar Bose, Goncagül CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 2022, ISBN: 9781003173533.
  • Arun Kumar and Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, ‘Marine Algal Products and Algal Nanoparticle Synthesis against Cancer’. Bio prospecting Algae for Nanosized Materials – Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021, pp: 262-274.
  • Vijunre Lawrance and Ambiga, ‘Progression and application in gene therapy’, Compendium of ‘Research insights of life science students’ Vol. 3, JPS Scientific publications, India. first edition published, 2021, ISBN: 978-93-91342-27-2.
  • Somasundaram Ambiga, Raja Suja Pandian, Venkatesan Saratha, Kaliyaperumal Ashokkumar, Raju Ramasubbu, Lazarus Vijune Lawrence and Arjun Pandian, ‘Phytochemical analysis and pharmacological potential of cardamom’, Cardamom [Elettaria Cardamomum (L.) Maton]: Production, Breeding, Management, Phytochemistry and Health Benefits, Nova Science Publisher, 2021, ISBN: 978-1- 68507-097-7.
  • Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul, Rosna Mat Taha, Nordiyanah Anuar, Hashimah Elias, Sakinah Abdullah, Asif Khan and Vijay Lobo, ‘Saffron as a natural food colorant and its applications’, Chapter 6, Book title: Saffron, Elsevier in Press, 2020, ISBN: B9780128212196000063.
  • Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul, Mohaddeseh Adel, Ali Talati, Vijay Lobo and V.D. Seshadri, ‘Effect of Biochar Addition to Soil on Plant Quality’, Chapter 9, Vol. 50. Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, Springer Nature, 2020, ISSN: 2213-7114.
  • Rengasamy Sathya, Thangaprakasam Ushadevi, S. Ambiga and Abdul Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, ‘Microbial Biofilm in Clinical Bioremedation Practices in Human Health’, Microbial Biofilms, CRC Press, USA, 2020.
  • Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A, Mohaddeseh Adel, Pegah Karimi and Taha Mahmoudi, ‘Genomics, Proteomics target to develop the pharmaceutical products and biological applications from Marine derivatives’, Encyclopedia of Marine Biotechnology, Wiley- Blackwell Publication, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-119-14377-2.
  • Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A, Mohaddesh Adel, Ali Talati, Muthusamy S. Kumar, Kamaludeen Abdulrahim, Meera M. Abdul hameed, ‘Seaweed Polysaccharides and Their Production and Applications’, Seaweed Polysaccharides Isolation, Biological and Biomedical Applications. Editors: Jayachandran Venkatesan, Sukumaran Anil, Se Kwon Kim, Chapter 20, ELSEVIER, 2017, ISBN: 978-0-12-809816-5, Pp: 369-382.
  • Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A, Mohaddesh Adel, Pegah Karimi, Masoud Abbaszadeh, A. Kamaludeen, A. Meera Moydeen, ‘Recent Advances on Biopolymers preparation and Application in Bio-industry’, Industrial Application of Marine Biopolymers, Editor Prof. P. N. Sudha, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), Chapter 8, June 2017, ISBN: 9781498731485, pp: 229-242.

Book Edited:

Title of the Book: Microbial Biofilms: Properties and Applications in the Environment, Agriculture and Medicine, CRC Press & Taylor and Francis, (USA), Published 2020. bakrudeen-ali-ahmed-abdul

Patent Granted

  • Granted Patent Title: Heater Box Face Mask for Kills Virus (SARS-COV-2) and other pathogens/29-02, Application No: – 352204-001 /CBR No:- 200128; Inventors: Dr. R. Arun Kumar, Dr. S. R. Senthilkumar, Dr. P. Mani, Dr. Raju ramasubbu, Dr. A. Bakrudeen ali ahmed, Dr. S. Gansean, Dr. C. Bharathiraja, Dr. P. Arjun
  • Granted Patent Title: Heater Glove to Kills Virus (Covid) Fungus and other Microbes/02-06 Application No: 364303-001; Inventor: Dr R. Arun Kumar; R. Ramasubbu; J. Sumitha; W. Parveen; J. Senthil kumar; Akhilesh kumar; J. Srinivasan; S. Azhagu madhavan; P. Arjun; Dr. A. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed
  • Granted Patent Title: Heater Gloves to Kills Virus (Covid) Fungus and other Microbes. Application No: 364303-001. Inventor: R. Arun Kumar, R. Ramasubbu, J. Sumitha; W. Parveen and Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A et al.
  • Granted Patent Title: Round Sweet Maker Machine with Manual Operation and Portability. Application No: 373883-001. R Arun Kumar; M Anis Kumar; M Anis Kumar; G Venkat Kumar; G.Venkat Kumar; Sumathy Rengarajan; Sumathy Rengarajan; A Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed et al.
  • Title: An ANN for Health Monitoring System, The Patent Office Journal No. 47/2022 Dated 25/11/2022. Dr.J.Anitha, Dr.Bhuvana B P, Dr.S.Ambiga, Dr.Rakesh Kumar, Ms.A.Jemima Havila  Catherine, G.Sneha, Dr.S.Sathya, S.Gobhinath. Application No.202241067063 A Publication Date: ‘Nov 25, 2022’

  • Activities / Events

    • Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Awareness Programme, Nov 04, 2022, Resource person: Dr. A. Asmitha Banu M.B.B.S., M.S., Consultant-Obstetrics and Gynecology, Srikamatchi Medical Centre, Thanjavur.
    • One Day Seminar on ‘Microbes as Functional Foods’, Resource person: Dr.Suja Pandian, Head & Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Annai College of Arts & Science, Kovilacheary, Kumbakonam. Oct 18, 2022
    • Fundamental and Career Opportunities for Life Science Students, Resource person: Mr.Srinivasan, Proprietor of Sriluck Paints and Incubatee of Trichy Anna University, Dec 02, 2021
    • Career Opportunities in Medical Coding, Resource person:  Mrs.Mariyam Sridhar, HR Manager, Indian Healthcare BPO Chennai. Jan 27, 2022
    • Resource Person: Mrs.Mariyam Stridhar, HR Manager, Indian Healthcare BPO Chennai. 27.01.2022
    • Immunology Day Poster Presentation Immunofest 2022, April 29, 2022
    • One Day Seminar on Applied Biology, May 04, 2022, Resource Person 1:Dr. R. Sukirtha Research Director, Ashwanth Diagnostics and Research Centre, Madurai
      • Title: Nanovesicles: The Key Biomarkers for Cancer Stem Cells Niche, Resource Perosn 2: Dr. Arul Selvam Managing Director, Scigen Research & Innovation PVT Ltd., Thanjavur
      • Title: Cell Lines and its Applications, Resource Person  3: Dr. J. Sebastinraj, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Biotechnolog, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli.
      • Title: Environmental Vision – 2022, Resource Person 4: Dr. Manjula Kesavan, Managing Director, Bio Techno Solutions, Tiruchirappalli
      • Title: Natural Herbal Remedies for Periodontitis Diseases Prevalence among the Type 2 Diabetes Mellites, World Intellectual Property day -2022, Resource person: Dr.R.Arunkumar, Date: April 28, 2022
    • National Seminar on ‘Molecular Basis Of Cancer & Prevention’ [MBCP -2020] Feb 18-19, 2020
    • Two-day Faculty Developmental Programme on Intellectual Property Rights, Jan 9-10, 2019. Resource Person; B.Rajamanickam, Senior Examiner of Trade Marks Intellectual Property Office, Chennai
    • Protein and drugs interaction in human disease, Resource Person: Dr.M.Syed Abuthuakir, Mar 8, 2019
  • Activities / Events

    • Technical Fest on “BIOCHEM Fest’23” held on 25.04.2024, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Cultural Fest on “Fest O Fest’23” held on 16.04.2024, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Career Counseling Program on “Formulae for Success” held on 10.04.2024, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Soft Skills Program on “Communication Skills and Interview Techniques” held on 07.03.2024, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Competitive Examination Guidance Program on “Success to TNPSC” held on 05.02.2024, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Life Skills Program on “Webinar on Statistics for Data Analysis” held on 07.02.2024, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Awareness of Trends and Technology Program on “Primer Designing for PCR – Hands-on Training” held on 26.10.2023, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Career Counseling Program on “Higher Education in India: Challenges and Opportunities” held on 17.10.2023, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Club Activities Program on “Research Club” held on 08.09.2023, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Soft Skills Program on “Employability Skills Program” held on 04.09.2023, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Language & Communication Skills Program on “Writing an Article for the Press” held on 29.08.2023, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Language & Communication Skills Program on “Trends in Communication” held on 29.08.2023, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Competitive Examination Guidance Program on “SLET and NET Coaching for Success” held on 17.08.2023, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • Life Skills Program on “Workshop on Reference Management Using Mendeley and MS Word” held on 08.08.2023, organized by the Department of Biochemistry.
    • One Day Seminar on ‘Microbes as Functional Foods’, Resource person: Dr.Suja Pandian, Head & Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Annai College of Arts & Science, Kovilacheary, Kumbakonam. Oct 18, 2022
    • Fundamental and Career Opportunities for Life Science Students, Resource person: Mr.Srinivasan, Proprietor of Sriluck Paints and Incubatee of Trichy Anna University, Dec 02, 2021
    • Career Opportunities in Medical Coding, Resource person:  Mrs.Mariyam Sridhar, HR Manager, Indian Healthcare BPO Chennai. Jan 27, 2022
    • Resource Person: Mrs.Mariyam Stridhar, HR Manager, Indian Healthcare BPO Chennai. 27.01.2022
    • Immunology Day Poster Presentation Immunofest 2022, April 29, 2022
    • One Day Seminar on Applied Biology, May 04, 2022, Resource Person 1:Dr. R. Sukirtha Research Director, Ashwanth Diagnostics and Research Centre, Madurai
      • Title: Nanovesicles: The Key Biomarkers for Cancer Stem Cells Niche, Resource Perosn 2: Dr. Arul Selvam Managing Director, Scigen Research & Innovation PVT Ltd., Thanjavur
      • Title: Cell Lines and its Applications, Resource Person  3: Dr. J. Sebastinraj, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Biotechnolog, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli.
      • Title: Environmental Vision – 2022, Resource Person 4: Dr. Manjula Kesavan, Managing Director, Bio Techno Solutions, Tiruchirappalli
      • Title: Natural Herbal Remedies for Periodontitis Diseases Prevalence among the Type 2 Diabetes Mellites, World Intellectual Property day -2022, Resource person: Dr.R.Arunkumar, Date: April 28, 2022
    • National Seminar on ‘Molecular Basis Of Cancer & Prevention’ [MBCP -2020] Feb 18-19, 2020
    • Two-day Faculty Developmental Programme on Intellectual Property Rights, Jan 9-10, 2019. Resource Person; B.Rajamanickam, Senior Examiner of Trade Marks Intellectual Property Office, Chennai
    • Protein and drugs interaction in human disease, Resource Person: Dr.M.Syed Abuthuakir, Mar 8, 2019

Head, Department of BioChemistry, School of Arts and Science,



