The Department of Biochemistry was instituted in 2008. Biochemistry is the point where chemistry, biology and medicine meet and it deals with the molecular interactions between various intra and inter cellular compartments of living organisms and diseases.

The Department has been established with the objectives of conducting high quality research in Biochemistry, to effectively transmit knowledge in Biochemistry to the industry, providing comprehensive Biochemical education to post-graduate students and effective guidance for the PhD. scholars.

The faculty aims to develop in the students, the skills needed to investigate both health and disease in biomedical research and hospital laboratory.


To be recognized as a center for excellence in Biochemistry that provides a conductive setting for acquiring skills in identifying the relationship between biological and human resources eventually leading to enhancement in the quality of life.


  • To be a diverse, inclusive community that serves students, our professions and the public through innovative education, individualized advising, holistic mentoring and cutting-edge molecular life science research that enhances knowledge and solves real-life problems.
  • To impart broad-based knowledge in concepts and principles of biochemistry.
  • To identify local and global issues that need intervention and investigation by Biochemists and develop intelligent strategies and biochemical approaches in problem solving.
  • To provide opportunities for students to get hands on experience in
    • Research oriented education delivery in Biochemistry related topics
    • Programming and application skills in drug designing and delivery
    • Molecular Biology and Biotechnology aspects
    • Industries and service organizations through apprenticeship
    • Entrepreneurial activities in Biochemistry domain


B.Sc. Biochemistry

PROGRAMME OUTCOME (POs). The Biochemistry graduates will be able to

  • Promote the basic concepts of biochemistry including an understanding of the fundamental biochemical principles and their applications in a systematic, methodical, scientific, evidence-based process.
  • Provide a general understanding of the allied disciplines with a holistic knowledge generation in biological sciences.
  • Develop problem solving and analytical skills
  • Gain proficiency in basic laboratory techniques and apply the scientific method to the processes of experimentation, hypothesis testing, data interpretation and logical conclusions.
  • Acquire requisite knowledge of laboratory safety, data replication and quality control, record keeping and other aspects of responsible conduct of research.
  • Employ modern library search tools to locate and retrieve primary literature on a topic and critically evaluate the literature.
  • Apply and effectively communicate scientific reasoning and data analysis in both written and oral forms.
  • Work collaboratively in a team.
  • Gain knowledge of ethical and good laboratory practices, health and bio-hazard regulations, plagiarism and intellectual property rights related issues practiced in modern era of scientific investigation.

M.Sc. Biochemistry


  • Skillful in diagnostic laboratory procedures with clarity in biochemical principles of bioenergetics, metabolism, physiology and disorders
  • Critical Thinking and Effective Communication
  • Prospective careers in biochemistry in academics, industry and research
  • Research inclination: Develop a scientific attitude with the capacity to innovate in frontier areas of Biochemistry
  • Fruitful societal contribution and effective social interaction
  • Knowledgeable to become gainfully employed in suitable professions
  • Acquire entrepreneurial qualities
  • Professionally competent and ethically sound


PhD Programme

The Ph.D. programme includes an integrated sequence of course work and research in various branches of Biochemistry. Scholars are expected to clear entrance examination conducted by PRIST.

Add-on course / Certificate Course / Diploma Course

  • Certificate Course on Vermicompost
  • Diploma Course on Organic Farming

More information on the procedure for admission to all the above programmes can be had at


website under maintenance




  1. Jeyasrree, Jasmine Buelah1, Abdul Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, Sumathy Rengarajan (2024). Potential Secondary Metabolites and Medical Application from Marine Larvae. Edited By Se-Kwon Kim, CRC Press ((Taylor & Francis, USA), Marine Larvae: Developments and Applications, Pages 238 – 250; ISBN: 978-104011200-7, 978-103241712-7; DOI: 10.1201/9781003359388-13.
  2. Jabir, Nasimudeen R.,Tabrez, Shams., Altwaijry, Nojood., Khan, Mohd Shahnawaz., Ramu, Arun Kumar,Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A* (2024), Estimating Anticancer Effects of Yohimbine in DMBA-Induced Oral Carcinogenesis Hamster Model: Utilizing Biochemical and Immunohistochemical Techniques. CellBiochemistry and FunctionVolume 42, Issue 7September 2024 Article number e4132.
  3. Sundaresan, A.; Radhiga, T.; Pugalendi, K. V. Ursolic acid and rosiglitazone combination prevent low-grade inflammation and hepatic insulin resistance by modulating cytokine expression in mice fed a high-fat diet. International Journal of Clinical Medical Research, 2023, 1, 13. doi:10.61466/ijcmr1030013.
  4. Jabir, N.R.; Rehman, M.T.; AlAjmi, M.F.; Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A; Tabrez, S. (2023) Prioritization ofbioactive compounds envisaging yohimbine as a multi targeted anticancer agent: insight from moleculardocking and molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics,. 2023 Dec19;1-15. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2022.2158137.
  5. Preeja Prabhakar; Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul; Saravana Babu Chidambaram; Arun Kumar Ramu; Arjun Pandian (2023) Sinapic Acid Improves Neurotransmitter Status and Oxidative Stress-Related Changes in Mouse Model of Experimental Parkinsonism. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 13:25-31.
  6. Preeja Prabhakar; Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul; Saravana Babu Chidambaram; Arun Kumar Ramu; Arjun Pandian (2023). In Vitro Ameliorative Effects of Sinapic Acid on Parkinson Related Neurotoxicity in SHSY5Y Cell Lines. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 13:16-24.
  7. Jeyasrree, Jasmine Buelah1, Abdul Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, Sumathy Rengarajan (2024). PotentialSecondary Metabolites and Medical Application from Marine Larvae. Edited By Se-Kwon Kim, CRC Press ((Taylor & Francis, USA), Marine Larvae: Developments and Applications, Pages 238 – 250; ISBN: 978-104011200-7, 978-103241712-7; DOI: 10.1201/9781003359388-13.
  8. Arunkumar Ramu, Rajendran Ranjani, Azhagu Madhavan Sivalingam, V.D. Seshadri and Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul* (2022) Anticancer Potentiated Bioactive Compounds From Marine Flora. Marine Antioxidants; Preparations, Syntheses, and Applications, 1st Edition -September 1, 2022, Editors: Se- Kwon Kim, Kyung-Hoon Shin, Jayachandran Venkatesan, ISBN:9780323950862
  9. Somasundaram Ambiga, Raja Suja Pandian, Lazarus Vijune Lawrence, Arjun Pandian, Ramu Arun Kumar, Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul (2022) Marine Algal Secondary Metabolites Are a Potential Pharmaceutical Resource for Human Society Developments. Marine Biochemistry; Ist Edition, ISBN: 9781003303916; Pp: 1-24.
  10. Ambiga, R. Pandian, A. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, R. Ramasubbu, R. Arun Kumar, L. Vijune Lawrence, A. Pandian, S. Yesudass, S. Serdaroğlu Bose (2022) Future Trends in Biomedical Applications. Materials Development and Processing for Biomedical Applications (Eds.) Edited By Savaş Kaya, Sasikumar Yesudass, Srinivasan Arthanari, Sivakumar Bose, Goncagül CRC Press ((Taylor & Francis), ISBN: 9781003173533.
  11. Arun Kumar and Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, (2021). Marine Algal Products and Algal Nanoparticle Synthesis against Cancer. Bio prospecting Algae for Nanosized Materials – Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, Pp: 262-274.
  12. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul, Rosna Mat Taha, Nordiyanah Anuar, Hashimah Elias, Sakinah Abdullah, Asif Khan and Vijay Lobo (2020). Saffron as a natural food colorant and its applications. Chapter 6, Book title: Saffron, Elsevier in Press, ISBN: B9780128212196000063.
  13. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul, Mohaddeseh Adel, Ali Talati, Vijay Lobo and V.D. Seshadri (2020). Effect of Biochar Addition to Soil on Plant Quality. Chapter 9, Vol. 50. Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, Springer Nature In Press; ISSN: 2213-7114.
  14. Rengasamy Sathya, Thangaprakasam Ushadevi, S. Ambiga and Abdul Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed (2020) Microbial Biofilm in Clinical Bioremedation Practices in Human Health. Microbial Biofilms, CRC Press, USA.
  15. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A, Mohaddeseh Adel, Pegah Karimi and Taha Mahmoudi (2020). Genomics, Proteomics target to develop the Pharmaceutical products and biological applications from Marine derivatives. Encyclopedia of Marine Biotechnology, Wiley- Blackwell Publication, ISBN: 978-1-119-14377-2.
  16. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A, Mohaddesh Adel, Ali Talati, Muthusamy S. Kumar, Kamaludeen Abdulrahim, Meera M. Abdul hameed (2017). Seaweed Polysaccharides and Their Production and Applications. Seaweed Polysaccharides Isolation, Biological and Biomedical Applications. Editors: Jayachandran Venkatesan, Sukumaran Anil, Se Kwon Kim, Chapter 20, ELSIVIER, ISBN: 978-0-12-809816-5, Pp: 369-382.
  17. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A, Mohaddesh Adel, Pegah Karimi, Masoud Abbaszadeh, A. Kamaludeen, A. Meera Moydeen (2017). Recent Advances on Biopolymers preparation and Application in Bio-industry. Industrial Application of Marine Biopolymers. Editor Prof. P. N. Sudha, June 2017, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), Chapter 8, ISBN: 9781498731485, Pp: 229-242.
  18. Vijunre Lawrance and Ambiga Progression and application in gene therapy, Compendium of ‘Research insights of life science students’ Volu 3, JPS Scientific publications, India. first edition published, 2021, ISBN: 978-93-91342-27-2
  19. Vijunre Lawrance and Ambiga. Modernistic development and clinical applications of platelet rich plasma, Compendium of ‘Research insights of life science students’ Volu 3, JPS Scientific publications, India. first edition published, 2021, ISBN: 978-93-91342-27-2.
  20. Somasundaram Ambiga, Raja Suja Pandian, Venkatesan Saratha, Kaliyaperumal Ashokkumar, Raju Ramasubbu, Lazarus Vijune Lawrence and Arjun PandianPhytochemical analysis and pharmacological potential of cardamom, Cardamom [Elettaria Cardamomum (L.) Maton]: Production, Breeding, Management, Phytochemistry and Health Benefits, Nova Science Publisher, 2021, ISBN: 978-1- 68507-097-7
  21. Microbial Biofilms: Properties and Applications in the Environment, Agriculture and Medicine, CRC Press & Taylor and Francis, (USA), Published 2020.









Inventor: Dr. R. Arun Kumar ; 2. Dr. Sumathy Rengarajan, .3. Dr. G. Rajasekhar Reddy, 4. Dr. Y. Sasikumar, 5. Ms. Sowndarya, 6. Dr. K. Ashokkumar, 7. Dr. P. Arjun, Dr. S. Azhagumadhavan,9. Dr. A. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed.

;Biodegradable Hexagonal Box Using For Controlled And Root-Targeted Fertilizer Delivery

Application No: 378974-001; CBR No:- 200021




R Arun kumar; M Anis kumar;G.Venkat kumar;sumathy rengarajan; Sumathy Rengarajan; a Bakrudeen Ali ahmed et al. Round Sweet Maker Machine With Manual Operation And Portability.

Application No: 373883-001




Inventor: Dr. Arun Kumar; Dr. Vidhya Sehastri, Dr. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, Dr. Arjun Pandian; House Hold Multimode Feed Pellet Making Machine


Application No: 342560-001; CBR No:-200049




Inventor: Dr. R. Arun Kumar, Dr. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, Dr. T.T.M. Kannan. Virus (Covid 19) Killing gloves

Application No: 331345-001




Dr. Mengesha Ayene; Prof. Dr. M. Karthikeyan; Dr. T.T.M. Kannan; Dr. K.G. Selvan; Dr. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed. Medical Syrup Bottle with Measuring and Pouring CAP

Application No: 341745-001/ CBR No: 200042.




Dr. Arun Kumar and  

Dr. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed A.

Virus (Covid-19), Fungus and Bacteria  Killer Ultraviolet Light Compartment Mask

Application No: 350619-001 / CBR NO: 200104. 29-02-21




Heater Box Face Mask For Kills Virus (SARS-COV-2) and other  pathogens. Inventors: Dr. R. Arun Kumar, Dr. S. R. Senthilkumar, Dr. P. Mani, Dr. Raju ramasubbu, Dr. A. Bakrudeen ali ahmed, Dr. S. Gansean, Dr. C. Bharathiraja, Dr. P. Arjun.


Application No: – 352204-001 /CBR No:- 200128;




Inventor: Dr R. Arun Kumar; R. Ramasubbu; J. Sumitha; W. Parveen; J. Senthil kumar; Akhilesh kumar; J. Srinivasan; S. Azhagu madhavan; P. Arjun; Dr. A. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed. Heater Glove to Kills Virus (Covid) Fungus and other Microbes


Application No: 364303-001;





An ANN for Health Monitoring System, The Patent Office Journal No. 47/2022. . Dr.J.Anitha, Dr.Bhuvana B P, Dr.S.Ambiga, Dr.Rakesh Kumar, Ms.A.Jemima Havila  Catherine, G.Sneha, Dr.S.Sathya, S.Gobhinath

Application No.202241067063

Dated 25/11/2022

Publication Date:

 ‘Nov 25, 2022’












The Effect of Bio active Compounds on In Vivo Anti Targeting Nephron Activity In Animal Model (2020-2021)

Dr. S. Sathishkumar



‘In Silico Screening of Glycogen Ligands
Acetylcholine esterase and its Probable Relevance to Alzheimer’s Disease’(2019-2020)


Dr. A. Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed 



‘Analysis of Heavy Metals Accumulation in Nagapattinam Coastal Waters, South East Coast of India’(2019-2020)

Dr. S.Ambiga



In Vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites form Medicinal Plants’


– Dr. A.Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed 






  • Activities / Events

    • Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Awareness Programme, Nov 04, 2022, Resource person: Dr. A. Asmitha Banu M.B.B.S., M.S., Consultant-Obstetrics and Gynecology, Srikamatchi Medical Centre, Thanjavur.
    • One Day Seminar on ‘Microbes as Functional Foods’, Resource person: Dr.Suja Pandian, Head & Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Annai College of Arts & Science, Kovilacheary, Kumbakonam. Oct 18, 2022
    • Fundamental and Career Opportunities for Life Science Students, Resource person: Mr.Srinivasan, Proprietor of Sriluck Paints and Incubatee of Trichy Anna University, Dec 02, 2021
    • Career Opportunities in Medical Coding, Resource person:  Mrs.Mariyam Sridhar, HR Manager, Indian Healthcare BPO Chennai. Jan 27, 2022
    • Resource Person: Mrs.Mariyam Stridhar, HR Manager, Indian Healthcare BPO Chennai. 27.01.2022
    • Immunology Day Poster Presentation Immunofest 2022, April 29, 2022
    • One Day Seminar on Applied Biology, May 04, 2022, Resource Person 1:Dr. R. Sukirtha Research Director, Ashwanth Diagnostics and Research Centre, Madurai
      • Title: Nanovesicles: The Key Biomarkers for Cancer Stem Cells Niche, Resource Perosn 2: Dr. Arul Selvam Managing Director, Scigen Research & Innovation PVT Ltd., Thanjavur
      • Title: Cell Lines and its Applications, Resource Person  3: Dr. J. Sebastinraj, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Biotechnolog, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli.
      • Title: Environmental Vision – 2022, Resource Person 4: Dr. Manjula Kesavan, Managing Director, Bio Techno Solutions, Tiruchirappalli
      • Title: Natural Herbal Remedies for Periodontitis Diseases Prevalence among the Type 2 Diabetes Mellites, World Intellectual Property day -2022, Resource person: Dr.R.Arunkumar, Date: April 28, 2022
    • National Seminar on ‘Molecular Basis Of Cancer & Prevention’ [MBCP -2020] Feb 18-19, 2020
    • Two-day Faculty Developmental Programme on Intellectual Property Rights, Jan 9-10, 2019. Resource Person; B.Rajamanickam, Senior Examiner of Trade Marks Intellectual Property Office, Chennai
    • Protein and drugs interaction in human disease, Resource Person: Dr.M.Syed Abuthuakir, Mar 8, 2019

Activities / Events 

  • Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Awareness Programme, ‘Nov 04, 2022’ Dr. A. Asmitha Banu M.B.B.S., M.S., Consultant-Obstetrics and Gynecology, Srikamatchi Medical Centre, Thanjavur.
  • One Day Seminar on ‘Microbes As Functional Foods’ Resource Person: Dr.Suja Pandian, Head & Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Annai College of Arts & Science, Kovilacheary, Kumbakonam. ‘Oct 18, 2022’
  • Fundamental And Career Opportunities For Life Science Students, Resource Person: Mr.Srinivasan, Proprietor Of Sriluck Paints And Incubatee Of Trichy Anna University, ‘Dec 02, 2021’
  • Career Opportunities In Medical Coding, Resource Person: Mrs.Mariyam Stridhar, HR Manager, Indian Healthcare BPO Chennai. ‘Jan 27, 2022,
  • Immunology Day Poster Presentation Immunofest 2022, ‘April 29, 2022’
  • One Day Seminar On Applied Biology, ‘May 04, 2022’ Resource Person1 ; Dr. R. Sukirtha Research Director, Ashwanth Diagnostics and Research Centre, Madurai.Title: Nanovesicles: The Key Biomarkers For Cancer Stem Cells Niche. Resource Perosn 2 : Dr. Arul Selvam Managing Director, Scigen Research & Innovation PVT Ltd., Thanjavur. Title: Cell Lines and It’s Applications, Resource Person 3: Dr. J. Sebastinraj, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Biotechnolog, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli. Title: Environmental Vision – 2022, Resource Person 4: Dr. Manjula Kesavan, Managing Director, Bio Techno Solutions, Tiruchirappalli. Title: Natural Herbal Remedies For Periodontitis Diseases Prevalence Among the Type 2 Diabetes Mellites.
  • World intellectual property day -2022, Resource person:Dr. R.Arunkumar, Date: ‘April 28, 2022’
  • “Antioxidant as strategy against metal exposure” ‘January 28, 2020’. National Seminar on “Molecular Basis Of Cancer & Prevention” [MBCP -2020] ‘Feb 18-19, 2020’
  • Food metabolites and health benefits, ‘July 24, 2019’
  • Industrial visit to Kanan Devan Hills plantations company private limited, KDHP House, Munnar, Pin code- 685612 ‘Feb 02-03, 2019’
  • Two days workshop on Intellectual Property Rights for Faculty Developmental Programmed ‘Jan 9-10, 2019 Resource Person; B.Rajamanickam, Senior Examiner of Trade Marks Intellectual Property Office, Chennai.
  • World Food Day” on October 16th 2018.
  • PhD Viva Voice examination of Ms.B.Rajeswari (Reg.No : 131411717) “Phytochemical Analysis And Pharmacological Properties Of Flueggea Leucopyrus” ‘August 09, 2018.’
  • PhD viva voice examination of Ms.N.Shoba (Reg.No :111214217) “Studies On The Effect Of Fungicide On Biochemical Changes During Seed Germination Of Maize” ‘June 06, 2018.’
  • PhD viva voice examination of Mr.G.Ramakrishnan (Reg.No :121313751) “Biochemical And Molecular Investigations On The Role Of Thraatchathi Chooranam, A Siddha Formulation In The Experimental Model Of Myocardial Infarction In Rats” ‘Feb 24, 2018.’
  • PhD viva voice examination of Ms.R.Senthamilselvi(Reg.No : 131412856) “Studies On The Wound Healing Properties Of Methanolic Extract Of Peel Of Citrus Sinensis Using In Vivo And In Vitro Models” ‘January 10, 2018.’
  • PhD viva voice examination of Mr.R.Chidambaram(Reg.No : 121313748) “ Anti Cancer Activity Of Coccinia Grandis Fruit Extract Against Diethyl Nitosamine (den) Induced Hepatic Carcinoma” ‘Dec 12, 2017.’]
  • PhD viva voice examination of Mr.Sham kishor (Reg.No :131410047) “A Study Of Salivary Biomarkers And Gene Expression Analysis As A Diagnostic And Prognostic Indicator In Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders” ‘June 10, 2017.’
  • PhD viva voice examination of Ms.S.R.Anitha (Reg.No : 111214235) “Studies On The Effect Of Fungicides On Biochemical Changes During Seed Germination Of Rice Cultivars” ‘July 7, 2017’
  • PhD viva voice examination of Ms.P.Kalaivani (Reg.No : 121313752) “A Study On The Therapeutic Time Window And Synergistic Neuro Protective Effects Of Dihydrokinate And 3-Amino Benzamide In Rats Subjected To Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia” ‘Aug 19, 2017’.

Head, Department of Bio-Chemistry, School of Arts and Science,

PRIST Deemed to be University, Vallam, Thanjavur -613403.


Phone: 04362-265021