The Department of Biotechnology was established in the year 2005 with an objective of imparting quality education and understanding the dynamic nature of Biotechnology. The department offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Doctoral programs. Since 2008, the Department of Biotechnology has come forth as a full-fledged University Department of PRIST Deemed to be University. Excellent infrastructure facilities are available in the Department for the benefit of students. Many International and national conferences/seminars, workshops are conducted periodically. The department has a dedicated team of staff members and distinguished faculty, trained at renowned Institutes from India and abroad. Apart from teaching, the faculty members are equally committed to research. The faculty members attract financial support for their research activities from both governmental and private agencies.
To impart quality education to rural students.
To carry out superior quality research by creating advanced facilities.
To relationship between the institute and farmers.
Providing graduates equipped with excellent theoretical knowledge and practical skills and promoting scientific research and community service.
To impart strong knowledge to students in the field of biotechnology
To develop teaching and research projects that have relevance to the society and employability.
To impart an education that combines a comprehensive academic study with intensive practical training in an environment that is dynamic and productive of research
- BSc. Biotechnology
- MSc. Biotechnology
PO1 | Understand the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and the scientific theories related to various scientific phenomena and their relevancies in the day-to-day life |
PO2 | Understanding and better knowledge of the causes, types and control methods for environmental pollution by the students |
PO3 | The student will be able to discuss the mechanisms associated with gene ex-pression system in prokaryotes and eukaryotes |
PO4 | Developed various communication skills such as reading, listening, speaking etc., |
PO5 | Acquired the skills in handling scientific instruments, planning and performing in laboratory experiments |
PO6 | Ethics: Convey and practice social, environmental and biological ethics |
PO7 | To get knowledge about research tools and learn to do review literature. Ability to carry out independent literature survey corresponding to the specific publica-tions type and asses basic research tool |
PEO1 | To obtain detailed information about the fundamentals of Biotechnology, allied sub-jects and life skills |
PEO2 | To provide information about the molecular methods which involved in cellular processes of living systems such as microbes to higher order organisms for applied aspects. To address the emerging need for skilled scientific manpower with re-search ethics involving organisms |
PEO3 | To impart the basics and current molecular tools in the areas of Molecular Diagnos-tics, Fermentation Technology, Plant, Animal & Environmental Biotechnology are included to train the students for man power development and also sensitize them to scope for research. The practical subjects will provide information about the careers in the industry and applied research where biological system is employed |
PEO4 | To make the graduates of Biotechnology to learn and to adopt in a competi-tive world of technology update and contribute to all forms of life |
PEO5 | To enable them to execute a research objective through experimentation |
PO1 | Problem Solving Skill – Apply knowledge of Management theories and Human Resource practices to solve business problems through research in Global context |
PO2 | Decision Making Skill – Foster analytical and critical thinking abilities for data- Based decision-making |
PO3 | Ethical Value – Ability to incorporate quality, ethical and legal value-based Perspectives to all organizational activities |
PO4 | Communication Skill – Ability to develop communication, managerial and Interpersonal skills |
PO5 | Individual and Team Leadership Skill – Capability to lead themselves and the Team to achieve organizational goals |
PO6 | Employability Skill – Inculcate contemporary business practices to enhance Employability skills in the competitive environment |
PO7 | Entrepreneurial Skill – Equip with skills and competencies to become an entrepreneur |
PSO1 | Placement – To prepare the students who will demonstrate respectful engagement with others’ ideas, behaviors, and beliefs and apply diverse frames of reference to decisions and actions |
PSO2 | Entrepreneur – To create effective entrepreneurs by enhancing their critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and leadership skill that will facilitate start-ups and high potential organizations |
PSO3 | Research and Development – Design and implement HR systems and practices grounded in research that comply with employment laws, leading the organization towards growth and development |
PSO4 | Contribution to Business World – To produce employable, ethical and innovative professionals to sustain in the dynamic business world |
PSO5 | Contribution to the Society – To contribute to the development of the society by collaborating with stakeholders for mutual benefit |
PEO1 | To gain and apply knowledge of Biotechnology concept to solve the problems |
PEO2 | To identify, analyse and understand the problems related to biotechnology. |
PEO3 | Ability to design and develop solution to biotechnology |
PEO4 | Ability to design, perform experiments, analyse, and interpret data for Investigating complex problems. |
PEO5 | To decide and apply appropriate tools and techniques in biotechnological manipulations |
PhD Programme
The Ph.D. programme includes an integrated sequence of course work and research in various branches of Biotechnology. Scholars are considered for this program on clearing an entrance examination conducted by PRIST.
Vale Added Courses
- Certificate Courses:
- Certificate course in Systems Biology
- Certificate course in Tools in Network Pharmacology
- Certificate course in Herbal Products
- Certificate course in 3D Bio Printing
- Diploma Courses:
- Diploma Course in Computer Aided Drug Design
More information about the procedure for admission to all the above programmes may be had at
- Rajivgandhi Govindan., Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni; Malathi Mathiazhagan; Chackaravarthi Gnanasekaran; Chenthis Kanisha Chelliah; Sathik Basha S; Ramachandran Govindan; Maruthupandy Muthuchamy; Ali Akbari-Fakhrabadi; Veeramani Thangasamy; Vijayabhaskara Rao Bhaviripudi; Franck Quero (2025). Title: Biosynthesis of non-toxic TiO2 nanoparticles using polysaccharide rich fraction of marine algae Caulerpa racemosa with enhanced anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-biofilm properties. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Volume 713.
- Ramachandira Prabu., Govindh Boddeti and T. Veeramani (2024). Successful Skin and Gut infectious pathogen: Staphylococcus Epidermidis, Comprehensive Outlook of Quorum Sensing mediated Biofilm formation. Journal of Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics.Vol:6:101:1-24.
- Anitha Chidambaram, Rajkumar Prabhakaran, Sivabalan Sivasamy, Thanigaivelan Kanagasabai, Malarvili Thekkumalai, Ankit Singh, Mayurika S Tyagi, Sivanesan Dhandayuthapani (2024).Male Breast Cancer: Current Scenario and Future Perspectives.
- T. Ramachandra prabu and T. Veeramani: (2023). Characterization of IcaB Protein is Poly-N-acetylglucosamine (dPNAG) De-N-acetylase involved in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation” Research Journal of Biotechnology, Vol.18 (7): 40-43.
- R. Murugesan., K. Vasuki., S. Ramadevi., B. Kaleeswaran (2023). Rosmarinic acid: Potential antiviral agent against dengue virus – In silico evaluation. Intelligent Pharmacy, 2, 4: 528-539.
- Ramadevi S., Sivaranjani S, Vijaya Samoondeeswari S., Ramabhai V., Arulnangai R., Murugesan R. (2023). Comparative study of organic manure (cow dung, goat dung and chicken manuare) on the vegetative growth of Amaranthus dubious L. AGBR.2023; 39 (4):1-7.
- Mohammad Rashid Khan, Nouf Omar Alafaleq, Arun Kumar Ramu, Khaled Alhosaini, Mohd Shahnawaz Khan, Torki A. Zughaibi, Shams Tabrez., 2023. Evaluation of biogenically synthesized MgO NPs anticancer activity againstbreast cancer cells. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences.11; 1-
- Preeja Prabhakar, Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, Saravana Babu Chidambaram, Arun Kumar 2023. Arjun Pandian. In Vitro Ameliorative Effects of Sinapic Acid on Parkinson Related Neurotoxicity in SHSY5Y Cell Lines. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases: 13, 1, 16-24.
- Preeja Prabhakar, Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, Saravana Babu Chidambaram, Arun Kumar, Arjun Pandian., 2023. Sinapic Acid Improves Neurotransmitter Status and Oxidative StressRelated Changes in Mouse Model of Experimental Parkinsonism. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology,Neurological Diseases: 13, 1, 25-31.
- Nasimudeen R. Jabir, Chelapram K. Firoz, Torki A. Zughaibi, Mohammed, Abdullah Alsaadi, Adel M. Abuzenadah, Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Asmari, Ahdab Alsaieedi,Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, Arun Kumar Ramu ; Shams Tabrez 2022. A literature perspective on the pharmacological applications of yohimbine. Annals of Medicine, VOL. 54, NO. 1, 2861–2875.
- Arun Kumar Ramu (Corresponding author), Daoud Ali,Saud Alarifi, Mohamed Hussain Syed Abuthakir, Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed Abdul., 2021. Reserpine inhibits DNA repair, cell proliferation, invasion and induces apoptosis in oral carcinogenesis via modulation of TGF-β signaling. Life Sciences. 264; 1-10.
1. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar. Face Shield Mask with Integrated Heater Box Eliminates Virus and Other Pathogens/29-02 | 420531-001; CBR No: – 200195 | Biotechnology |
2. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar. Biosensor and UV Chamber Mask For Detection and Eradication of Viruses (Sars-Cov-2) and Harmful Pathogens/29-02 | 402357-001; CBR No: – 216029. | Biotechnology |
3. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar. Biodegradable Hexagonal Box Using For Controlled And Root-Targeted Fertilizer Delivery/09-03 | 378974-001; CBR No: – 200021. | Biotechnology |
4. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar. Round Sweet Maker Machine with Manual Operation and Portability/31-00 | 373883-001. | Biotechnology |
5. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar. Heater Glove to Kills Virus (Covid) Fungus and Other Microbes/02-06 | 64303-001.
| Biotechnology |
6. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar Virus (Covid-19), Fungus and Bacteria Killer Ultraviolet Light Compartment Mask/29-02. / CBR No: 200104 | 350619-001 | Biotechnology |
7. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar Seed Ball Container With Water Harvester For Planting In Deforestation, Agriculture and Desert/09-03 | 388472-001 | Biotechnology |
8. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar Manual-Operated Round Sweet Maker and Dough Preparation Machine/31-00 | 388472-001 | Biotechnology |
9. | Dr. R. Arun Kumar Ultraviolet Light Mask Bracket for Enhanced Breathing and Kills Pathogens (COVID)/29-02 | 394423-001 | Biotechnology |
1. | Integrating Biotechnology for Sustainable Urban Farming Systems using Smart Aquaponics (2022 -2023). | Dr. T. Veeramani | 850000 |
2 | The HLA profile and genetic affinities of three primitive tamil speaking edogamous groups: kallars of Thanjavur, piramalai kallar and vanniyar (2022 -2023) | Dr. R. Kamaraj | 720000 |
3. | Reserpine inhibits DNA repair, cell proliferation , invasion apoptosis in oral carcinogenesis via modulation of TGF-B signalling (2022-2023) | Dr. R. Arun Kunar | 960000 |
4. | Bioactive compounds on mitochondrial lipid peroxidation products and screen enzymes in iso-induced myocardial infarcted rats (2021-2022) | Dr. J. Illamathi | 450000 |
5. | In vitro production of fucosterol under abiotic stress conditions seaweds establishment in the coastal regions of Chidambaram and Cuddalore (2020-2021) | Dr. RV. Shalini | 420000 |
6. | The Core-shell silver nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization , and applications (2019-2020) | Dr. A. Shanahan | 950000 |
7. | Phytochemistry and therapeutic potential of black pepper (Piper mgrum (L.)) Essential oil and piperine (2019-2020) | Dr. Arjun Pandian | 1000000 |
1. | Development of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Tools for Coastal Biodiversity Management at Nagapattinam – Ramanathapuram range of Sothern India | Dr. T. Veeramani | BIMReN Grant for Twinning Research Project, Govt. of India |
2. | Evaluation of chemopreventive potential of Syn against oral carcinogenesis – An in vitro and in vivo approach | Dr. R. Arun Kumar | ICMR, Govt. of India. 2022–2025 |
3. | Protective effect of Sal against drug resistance oral carcinogenesis – An in vitro and in vivo approach, | Dr. R. Arun Kumar | ICMR, Govt. of India. 2022–2025. |
4. | Anticancer potential of Baicalin combined with Paclitaxel on oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)- an invitro and invivo approach | Dr. R. Arun Kumar | ICMR, Govt. of India. 2021–2024 |
2017-2018 Dr.P.Arjun Received the ” Certificate of Appreciation” from Society for Ethanopharmacology (SFE- INDIA)
2020 – Dr. R. Arun Kumar- “REVIEWER”
- Asian Journal of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology- Certificate Number- SDI/ HQ/PR/Cert/58299/RAR.
- European Journal of Medicinal Plants- Certificate Number- SDI/HQ/PR/Cert/62592/RAR
- Asian Journal of Research in Cardiovascular Diseases- Certificate Number- SDI/HQ/PR/Cert/63971/RAR
- Journal of Biochemistry International- Certificate Number- IKP/PR/ Cert/8674/RAR Phytothreapy Research, Wiley, Date:23.02.21
- Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research- Certificate Number-SDI/HQ/PR/ Cert/66618/RAR

Events organized
- Organized Career Counselling Program” held on 25.04.2024 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. Read more
- Organized the Competitive Examination Guidance Program” held on 19.03.2024 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Skills Development Program for Employabiligy” held on 12.03.2024 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized National Science day on 28th February 2024, at School of Arts and Science, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the International conference on “Bioprospecting Potential of Marine Organisms (ICBPMO -2024)” held on 24th January 2024 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Advanced Communication Skills” held on 12.02.2024 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Training on Fermentation Process” held on 26.10.2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Career Counselling Program” held on 20.10.2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the National conference on “Bioactive Compounds from Marine Organism (BCMO-2023)” held on 13th October 2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Advanced Techniques for Employment” held on 25.09.2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Regional Seminar on “Recent Trends in Bio-Inputs” held on 07th September 2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Competitive Examination Guidance Program” held on 24.08.2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Seminar on Biostatistical Tools” held on 23.08.2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the Research Article Preparation” held on 18.08.2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized International conference on “IMMUNFEST 2023” held on 28.04.2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. (
- Organized Faculty development program for Handling of Biological software tools ” held on 13.02.2023 – 18.02.2023 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized National workshop on Preparation of Biofertilizer from Agriculture waste” held on 12.10.2022 – 14.10.2022 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized the National level Seminar on “Cyanobacteria based Bio-Plastics: Future of Green Economy” held on 27th September 2022 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized National workshop on sustainable mushroom culture” held on 08.03.2022 – 09.03.2022 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized National workshop on Plant tissue culture” held on 22.03.2021 – 24.03.2021 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized Faculty development program on Innovation of Agriculture inputs” held on 16.11.2020 -21.11.2020 at Department of Biotechnology, PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Head, Department of Biotechnology, School of Arts and Science,