Department of Civil

The Department of Civil engineering was established in 2008. The department offers Undergraduate (from 2008), Masters (from 2008) and Doctoral programs (from 2013). Since 2008, the department has emerged as full-fledged University department of PRIST Deemed to be University.  The department has a dedicated team of faculty graduated from reputed institutions. The faculty carries out research in emerging areas. They participate in sponsored research activities collaborating with scientists/researchers from renowned organizations and funding agencies.


  • To evolve as centre of excellence in education, train students to meet the industrial needs and develop them into skillful Civil Engineers with human values and professional ethics.


  • Develop and transfer innovative applications of   Engineering to improve Civil Engineering practice
  • Build a team of competent Civil Engineers and researchers
  • Educate students with trending construction technologies to meet growing challenges
  • Develop infrastructure for research through collaborations with leading organizations

B.Tech Civil Engineering (Full Time – 4 Year; Part Time – 3.5 Year)

Programme Outcomes

PO1:   Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2:   Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3:   Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4:   Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5:   Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6:   The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7:   Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8:   Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9:   Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theengineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability toengage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO1 Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Civil Engineering discipline, with an ability to evaluate, analyze and synthesize existing and new knowledge.

PSO2 Critically analyze complex Civil Engineering problems, apply independent judgment for synthesizing information and make innovative advances in a theoretical, practical and policy context.

PSO3 Conceptualize and solve Civil Engineering problems, evaluate potential solutions and arrive at technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally sound solutions with due consideration of health, safety, and socio-cultural factors


M.Tech Structural Engineering (Full Time-2 Year; Part Time-3 Year)

Programme Outcomes

PO1: An ability to independently carry out research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems

PO2:  An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document

PO3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor’s program.

Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO1: Acquire in-depth knowledge of the Structural Engineering discipline, with an ability to evaluate, analyze and synthesize existing and new knowledge in structural design.

PSO2: Critically analyze complex Structural Engineering problems, apply independent judgment for synthesizing information and make innovative advances in a theoretical, practical and policy context.

PSO3: Conceptualize and solve Structural Engineering problems, evaluate potential solutions and arrive at technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally sound solutions with due consideration of health, safety, and socio-cultural factors

PhD Programme

The Ph.D. programme includes an integrated sequence of course work and research in various branches of Civil Engineering. Admission is based on the entrance examination conducted by PRIST.

Add- on, Certificate and Diploma courses

Add- on course – Railway Engineering

Certificate Course –  Advanced Surveying, Total Station &GPS applications

Diploma Course – Railway Engineering, STAAD Pro

More information on the procedure for admission to all the above programmes can be had at


Civil Engineering faculty is actively engaged in a wide range of research areas including construction management, geotechnical engineering, materials, structures, transportation and water resources. Geotechnical research pertains to in situ testing of soils, fiber-optic sensors in soils and evaluation of pavements. Structural engineering research focuses in the areas of wind and seismic engineering and control of vibrations. Research activities encompass analytics into enhanced models, business strategies for sustainable transportation and improvement in technology. The faculties of the department publish actively in leading journals.


Grants for Research Projects Sponsored by the government Sources

2020-2021– Dr. Ashtoush Das – ISRO -Rs.14.30 Lakh for 3 years – Estimation and Tracking of subsurface Groundwater Discharge (SGD) along Coastal stretches of Andra Pradesh and Tamilnadu, based on understanding and modeling of coastal Aquifer Dynamics

2018-2019 – Dr. Ashtoush Das – Department of Science and Technology (DST) Government of India Rs.28.11 Lakh for 5 years – Establishment of a research-based center for sustainable treatment, Reuse and Management for Efficient, Affordable and Synergistics solutions for Water (WATERIC for SUTRAM of EASY WATER)


Seed Money

2021-2022 – Dr.Ashutosh Das – Rs.3.90 lakh- ‘Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of Satellite Imageries and its Relationship with Landslide Prone zones’

2019-2020 – Dr.Ashutosh Das – Rs.75,000/- ‘Lifecycle Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emission Associated with Bitumen Production’

2019-2020 –Dr.R.Sivasamandy- Rs.30000/- ‘ Study on effect of monsoonal transition of wind flow pattern in Cauvery delta zone of Thanjavur’, Southern Tamilnadu, India.

2018-2019 – Dr.R.Sivasamandy- Rs.55,000/- ‘Fuzzy Based Hydro-Lithological zonation of Strom Water Regime in Thanjavur City of Southern Area’.

2018-2019 – Dr.Ashutosh Das – Rs.1,00,000/-‘Study project on the development of reactor for safe disposal of explosive’.

2018-2019-Prof.B.JoseRavindra Raj – Rs.1,00,000/-‘Study of Temperature Differential In Different Concrete Slabs Of Varying Slab Thickness In Different Region’



Publications in Journal

Name of the Faculty

Title of the PaperName of the Journal, Vol, pp etc.

Month and Year

Dr.Ashutosh DasEnvironmental sustainability assessment of captive conventional sewage treatment plant designsInternational Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-14April 2023
Dr.Ashutosh DasColumn adsorption study for the removal of phenol from aqueous medium using agro-residue adsorbentDESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT 269, 132-140September 2022
Dr.Ashutosh DasSimulation of phenol and chlorophenol removal using combined adsorption and biodegradation: regression analysis and data-mining approachJournal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste 26 (3)July 2022
Dr.Ashutosh DasA Review on the Colorimetric Pesticide Assay Test for Safe and Sustainable Agriculture with Special Reference to Clean Food ProductionCurrent Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 6-35February 2022


Dr.Ashutosh Das

Prevalence and characteristics of dermatological manifestations in COVID‐19 positive dermatologists: Report from a web‐based survey in IndiaJournal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology,vol 35 


December 2021

Dr.Ashutosh DasTime Series Analysis of Decadal Precipitation Pattern at Selected Cities of Southern IndiaNature Environment and Pollution Technology 20 (3), 1201-1208September 2021
Dr.Ashutosh DasSpatio-Temporal Variability of Gamma Radiation Profile Along the Southern-Indian Coastline (Poompuhar to Nagapattinam Stretch)Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 20 (3), 1347-1351September 2021


Dr.Ashutosh Das

Assessment and Recurrence of Kidney Stones Through Optimized Machine Learning Tree Classifiers Using Dietary Water Quality Parameters and Patient’s HistoryAdvanced Science, Engineering and Medicine,vol 12 


October 2020

Dr.Ashutosh Das



Simultaneous adsorption and biodegradation of reactive dyes using jatrophadeoiled cakesInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering,vol 8,3246-3250October 2019
Dr.Ashutosh Das



Performance of combined adsorption and biological process in decolorization and demineralization of dye wastewaterNature Environment and Pollution Technology 17 (1), 117-121March 2018


Books / Book Chapters

Book Chapter – Dr.Ashutosh Das,26th December 2004 TSUNAMI-causes, effects, remedial measures; Pre & Post Tsunami Disaster Management- A Geo scientific Perspective (Chapter-4: Water Quality in the Coastal Areas of Tamil Nadu after Tsunami) ,Earth System science, DST, Govt. of India .

Dr.Ashutosh Das, Sustainability Assessment of Coupled Human-Natural Systems, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Dr.Ashutosh Das,‘ Ecological Crisis & Management’ by Arvind Kumar; [Chapter 34: Estimating The Oxygen Requirement In A Mass Bathing Tank: A Case Study: Mahamaham 2004 (Southern Kumbhamela),Daya Publisher

Dr.Ashutosh Das, All India Sem. Pap. Book, 2005. Ch. Design and Economic Evaluation of  Activated Sludge Process Units for Domestic and Wastewater Treatment – An Indian Perspective”, Institution of Indian Valuers.

Dr.Ashutosh Das  & Dr. Mukesh Goel ,Fractal Solutions for Understanding Complex Systems in Earth Sciences Springer Publisher,


Dr.Ashutosh Das, Insitu submersible turbidometer, 15.03.2021,India

Dr.Ashutosh Das, TTM.Kannan , Mini Reactor ,31771114.05.2019, India

Dr.Ashutosh Das  & Dr.Mukesh Goel ,A Process of Preparing Activated De-oiled Cakes of Karanja for Treatment of Textile Waste Water ,201741009030A16.03.2017, India

Dr.Ashutosh Das, R.Rama Krishnan &Dr.Mukesh Goel ,A Process for the Preparation of Low- Cost Mosquito Repellent Coils using Indigenous Herbal ingredients ,20174104161621.11.2017, India

Dr.Ashutosh Das  & Dr.Mukesh Goel A Process of Preparing Activated De-oiled Cakes of Karanja for Treatment of Textile Waste Water 201741009030A16.03.2017, India.

Dr.Ashutosh Das & Dr.Mukesh Goel, A Method of Treatment of Aqueous Dye-Solutions using Waste Products such as Raw Deoiled Cake of Karanja and Jatropha,20174104161621.11.2017, India

Dr.Ashutosh Das, TTM.Kannan , Mini Reactor ,31771114.05.2019, India

  • 2019-2020 – Dr.Ashutosh Das received the “Best Researcher Award “from Moral research & resource organization,MAM School of Engineering Technology, Trichy
  • 2018-2019 – Dr.Ashutosh Das received the “Indira Gandhi Gold Medal Award “from Global Economic Progress and research Association, New Delhi.
  • 2018-2019 – Prof.B.Jose Ravindra Raj  received the “Best Teacher “from PRIST Deemed to be University
  • 2018-2019 – Dr.Ashutosh Das received the “Best Teacher “from PRIST Deemed to be University


Nature of the Activity


Title of the Event

Guest of honour

Number of Participants

Guest Lecture06.05.2022Life Mission


Divisional Engineer,

Highways Department,



“Application And Strength Aspects Of Rubberized Concrete”

Dr.G.Venkatesan                                                                    Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr),



Guest Lecture25.02.2019Guest Lecture on Failure Analysis of StructuresDr.M.Kannan, Professor & Head, Department of Civil,PITS,Thanjavur65
14.02.2019Career Counseling Program


General BankingOfficer,

Bank of India,

Muzffarpur Zone, Bihar

07.09.2018Career Counseling Program


Assistant Professor, Govt.Engineering College,



31.08.2017Low  Cost Materials & Smart Construction

Dr. Mahendran,

Professor Gandhigram University




09.03.2019Project work selection Documentation and Publication





24.09.2019National Level Technical Symposium on“CIV-ARCHON’Z 2K19”

Dr. G.Venkatesan,

Associate Professor,

Anna University,

BIT Campus, Trichy

Symposium / Conference24.04.2019National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering “NCRTE 19″



Star Lion Engg. College,




National Level Technical Symposium on “SCULPTORS 2K18”


General Manager,

Kothari Sugars Limited

27.07.2017National Level Technical Symposium “STRUCTURA 2K17”


Asst.Prof /Civil/NIT

Extension Activities09.03.2019Public Voting awareness


Associate professor


10.11.2018Eye Care Camp


Asst professor


18.03.2018Primary Health Camp


Asst professor


      • Guest Lecture on “Life Mission” was delivered by Mr.P.Vadivel, Divisional Engineer, Highways Department, Trichy on 06.05.2022.
      • Organized an Intra College Technical Event “TECHFEST’22” on 20.10.2022.
      • MoU signed with Civil Engineering Association, Thanjavur, Builders Association of India-Thanjavur Center and Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) – Thanjavur Center for the academic Year 2023-2024.
      • Organized National level Webinar on “Modern Construction Materials and its Techniques” by Dr.S.Dhipan Aravind, Assistant Professor, Annapoorna Engineering college on 23.08.2023.
      • Organized a “Technical Quiz 2K23” on 25.08.2023.
      • Conducted National Level Workshop on Land surveying using “TOTAL STATION” by N.Manoharan B.E., Topomapper and Engineering Surveyor on 26.09.2023.
      • A Departmental Advisory committee Consisting of 5 Industry Experts, 2 Academic Experts and 2 Alumni was constituted.
      • At the end of each semester students are encouraged to go for Internship to gain field knowledge.
      • During the last three academic years a total of 25 students have enrolled for higher studies in universities abroad.

Head, Department of Civil Engineering,

School of Engineering and Technology

