PONNAIYAH RAMAJAYAM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY(PRIST) has an atmosphere for innovations and other initiatives for transfer of knowledge, where the management encourages both faculty members and students to carry out research projects that give solutions to several industrial and societal problems. The University has started Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) for encouraging students to fostering the culture of innovations. It also provided student innovative park and maintained 70 best innovative student projects. The CIIE provide advancements in basic and applied areas of Science, Engineering and Technology, Management and Agriculture to become active partner in the economic development process. Scientific exhibitions are organized by departments which provide a platform for the students to showcase their ideas, innovations and working models. The institution is exploring the possibities of establishing incubation centre to promote startups by providing facility for young incubates.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell has established in the University for create an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship development in an academic and Non academic pursuits. All departments are actively engaged in the training of Entrepreneurship activities
MHRD Institution Innovation Council:
PRIST school of Engineering and technology is one of the approved institutes for Institution Innovation council (IIC) by MHRD, Govt of India. It has established Innovation cell in the campus with purpose of systematically fostering a culture of innovations in students. The primary objectives of this council are to encourage, inspire and nurture students by supporting them to work with new ideas and prototype. It also conducted self driven, IIC driven and MIC driven activities and Hackathons as per directions of MHRD through IIC in order to enhance the student’s capability and also provide star rating to our University.

IPR Cell:
The Intellectual Property Rights cell was established and facilating the identification of patentable components. IPR cell committed to encourage, protect, manage and commercialize the intellectual property such as patent, Copy right and trade mark. The university has to its credit a total of 8 granted patents and 24 published patents.