PRIST Knowledge Resource Center finds a unique place in the academic spectrum of PRIST University. Its collection has grown to 1,00,515 documents in all subject areas and the University subscribes national and international journals in print for all subjects. It provides world class information support to its users. The Collection is mainly strong in sciences and technology in addition to substantial Information Sources/Services on Humanities and Management studies. Providing information through e-resources is the main focus of the library. It is situated in around 40,000 square feet area and it can accommodate more than 100 readers at any point of time. The whole building is Wi-Fi enabled, where readers can bring their laptops and down load information from internet.
Working Hours
- On Working Days – 09.00 am to 06.00 pm
- On Holidays – 10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Circulation Hours
- Week Days – 09.00 am to 06.00 pm
- Holidays – 10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Library Advisory Committee
Name | Designation | Member Position |
Dr. T.V.Christy | Vice Chancellor | Chairman |
Dr. A. Ganesan | Library Director |
Member Secretary |
Dr. A. Asthoshdass | Director- RDC | Member |
Dr.LChinnappa | Dean- Science & Humanities | Member |
Dr.R.Gunasekaran | Dean- Education | Member |
Ms. Sathya | Dean i/c- PSB | Member |
Dr. Lillypet | Dean- Engineering & Technology | Member |
Dr.Mei Keerthivasan | Dean- Law | Member |
Dr.Arunkumar | Dean- Agriculture | Member |
Faculty, Research Scholar, Students & Non – Teaching Staff are Eligible to become member of the Library.
Category | No.of Books | Borrow Period |
U.G Students | 3 | 15 Days |
P.G Students | 4 |
15 Days |
Research Scholars | 5 | 30 Days |
Teaching Staff | 6 | 180 Days |
Non Teaching Staff | 3 | 15 Days |
Rules and Regulations
Our course curriculum and infrastructure are as per the UGC guidelines.
- Staff and Students are eligible members to use the library
- Membership is automatically conferred to all the staff members and student on his / her joining in the University.
- All the users while entering into the library should wear the ID card.
- All the library members should submit the membership form and submit to the librarian.
- Student will be issued the library card for lending books.
- Books will be issued the on demand by producing the library card by the students.
- Staff members may take issue by making entry in the register.
- Underlining, marking and folding of pages in the book is strictly prohibited.
- Physical condition of the book should be checked while borrowing the book.
- Missing pages if found is to be brought to the notice of the circulation incharge.
- Strict silence should maintain in the library.
- Eatables are not allowed inside the library.
- Using mobile phone is strictly prohibited inside the library.
- Mobile phones are to be switched off or to be kept in silent mode inside the library.
- Stealing of books, tearing the pages from the book or any damage to the library property will be watch seriously and disciplinary action will be initiated against him / her by the management.
- Such misbehaving members will be suspended from using the library.
- Personal belongings like bag, personal books, aprons etc. are not allowed inside the library. It must be kept in the property counter.
- The Members are responsible for the book borrowed by them.
- Engaging in conversation /discussion / group study inside the library is strictly prohibited.
- Computers are only for educational purpose. The use of internet in the library is for reference work.
- Accessing unauthorized sites like games, chatting etc. are strictly prohibited.
- No one has the right to change the settings of the computers.
Not with standing anything contained in this rules, the decision of the authorities of the College in all matters shall be final and binding
Library Collection
1 | Total No. of. Volumes | 1,00,515 |
2 | Total No. of. Ph.D Thesis |
119 |
3 | CD’s | 1715 |
4 | E- books | 53000+ |
5 | E- Journals | 04 Packages |
6 | E- Databases | 01 |
7 | Total Journals (Printed) | 150 |
8 | Magazines | 50+ |
9 | Newspapers | 10 |
Library Section
- Property Counter
- Circulation Section
- Online public access Catalogue (OPAC)
- New arrivals Display
- Book Stack
- New Arrival books
- Technical section
- Reading Area
S No. | Name of the E-Resources | URL - Website Link |
1 | Science Direct | https://www.sciencedirect.com/ |
2 | NPTEL | https://nptel.ac.in/localchapter |
3 | Delnet | http://delnet.in |
4 | AICTE e Kumbh | https://ekumbh.aicte-india.org/ |