The School of Education was established in the year 2008. As teacher education plays a vital role in all branches of education, the school functions with an aim to make its students, efficient teachers in future. The school of education believes in activity based teaching and students are encouraged and guided to improve their language skills. Students are being given practice for their progress in career advancement.
Faculty members organize seminars, conferences, workshops, that offer a vibrant atmosphere to students to nurture the spirit of teaching and learning.
- To impart value–oriented ‘Teacher Education’
- To develop professional competency and social responsibility.
- To keep abreast of trending technologies in teaching and learning.
- Delivering to the nation professional teachers with a humane touch.
- Preparing students to successfully handle real life challenges.
- To train students in becoming familiar with trending technologies to meet growing challenges in imparting education
- To bring out the latent talents of the students who are future teachers.
- Aim at an engagement with current educators, offering them guidance in professional development, leading them in education research
B.Ed. Education (2 –Year Programme)
Programme Outcomes
On successful completion of the two-year B.Ed. programme, pupil teachers will be able to develop:
PO1. Teaching competency: Know, select and use of learner-centered teaching methods, understanding of paradigm shift in conceptualizing disciplinary knowledge in school curriculum, necessary competencies for organizing learning experiences, select and use of appropriate assessment strategies for facilitating learning.
PO2. Pedagogical skills: Applying teaching skills and dealing with classroom problems.
PO3. Teaching through non-conventional Modes: Evolving a system of education which enhances the potential of every learner to acquire, retain and transform knowledge leading to wisdom society through creative, experiential and joyful modes of learning.
PO4. Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Transform the educational landscape by providing open access to quality, value based and socially relevant education to all by harnessing the disruptive potential of AI.
PO5. Critical Thinking: Analysis of Curriculum, construction of blue print, selecting appropriate teaching strategies according to needs of students and conducting action research to solve classroom problems.
PO6. Effective Communication: Presenting seminar before peer students and teachers and practicing communication skills through various linguistic activities and applying it for better classroom communication.
PO7. Sensitivity towards Inclusion: Identifying the diversities and dealing it in inclusive classrooms environment, guidance and counseling programmes for disabled students.
PO8. Content Analysis: Analyze the text-books and syllabi.
PO9. Effective Citizen Ethics: Understand different values, morality, social service and accept responsibility for the society.
PO10. Self-directed Learning: Preparing scripts for seminars, lesson plans and online content.
PO11. Social Resilience: Understand about social entities and enable to cope up with adverse conditions of life.
PO12. Physical abilities: Practice yoga, physical education and games and sports
PO13. Team Work: Enable to work as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings by following the principles of collaborative learning, cooperative learning and team teaching.
M.Ed- Education (2 –Year Programme)
PO1 | To produce qualified and competent teachers and teacher educators |
PO2 | To provide knowledge on historical, philosophical and sociological foundation of Educational practices |
PO3 | To provide training to become educational psychologists and counselors |
PO4 | To provide opportunities to critically examine and reflection the concept, Content, organization and status of elementary and secondary teacher education Curriculum, infrastructure, and resources needed, and issues and problems related to Teacher preparation |
PO5 | To give training to design and develop curriculum, syllabus, and textbooks and preparation of other instructional materials |
PO6 | To provide input on various methods of research, select develop research tools, apply appropriate statistical techniques to analyze the data and infer results |
PO7 | To motivate to learn and use sound principles and techniques in the learner- Centered instructional process |
PO8 | To encourage actively participate in educational measurement and evaluation processes |
PO9 | To produce educational planners, administrators, managers, supervisors, researchers and other educational experts |
P10 | To develop skills to identify and solve the educational problems at national and international level |
P11 | To critically examine the role and functions of various agencies including regulatory bodies in enhancing the quality of teacher education |
P12 | To make to understand education as a discipline of study |
P13 | To motivate to use the information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the teaching learning process |
P14 | To enable to realize the importance of early childhood care and education |
P15 | To examine the status and issues related to women and the role of Education to address the issues |
P16 | To know the importance of special and inclusive education and legislative Measures to deal with education of children with diverse needs |
P17 | To prepare to carryout field internship, practical and dissertation works |
Ph.D. Programme
The Ph.D. programme includes an integrated sequence of course work and research in various branches of education. Scholars are selected on clearing the entrance examination conducted by PRIST.
Add – on courses
- Creative Crafts
- Web 3.0 Tools for Prospective Teachers
- E-Content Development
- Intensive English Training
- Women Society in India
More information on the procedure for admission to all the above programmes can be had at
Curriculum and Syllabus
B.Ed. Curriculum and Syllabus.
M.Ed. Curriculum and Syllabus.
Research Areas
- Professional Ethics and Teaching Competencies
- Total Quality Management in Education
- Multimedia Approach to Education
- Web – Based Learning for Environmental Education
- Web – Based Learning for History course for B.Ed., Students
Recent Ph.D.s Awarded
2024 – 25
- A study on the Role of Teachers in Moral Education in the Secondary Schools of the Nilgiris District. Mr.Fr. Sri. S. Marshal Joseph. August 2024
2023 – 24
- Effectiveness of computer assisted learning and technique on the achievement, attitude and study habit of students in English as school language for the topic language across curriculum at B.Ed. level, Ms. W. Gladys Colcraft, March 2024
2022 – 23
- Educational goal achievement motivation and academic performance of higher secondary school students in Thiruvannamalai district. Ms. R.Santhi, January 2023
- Effectiveness of yoga on memory, emotional competence and academic achievement of secondary studies. Mr. N.V. Anthony, April 2023
- A Study on learning strategies and goal orientation in relation to academic achievement of higher secondary school students., Ms. P. Kavitha. April 2023
- Value orientation family environment and prosocial attitude among prospective teachers at secondary level. Ms. JS.P. Rose Mary, May 2023
- Study on achievement in mathematics of higher secondary students in the general coastal area of Kerala in relation to their mathematical interest parent involvement and socio-economic status. Mr. PL. Varghese, July 2023
- ‘Formulating innovative solutions for the problems of adolescent students at higher secondary level’, Ms.Parvathy Mouleshwaran, September 2019
- ‘A study of school effectiveness in relation to right to education act 2009 and job satisfaction of headmasters at upper primary level’, Ms. R. Kalaiarasi, January 2020
- ‘School effectiveness in relation to leadership profile and personality types of head masters at secondary and higher secondary school level’, Maruthavanan, January 2019.
- ‘Developing employable skills through vocational based curriculum’, S.K.Muthuraja, February 2019
- ‘Impact of computer assisted language learning and video assisted instruction on the achievement of students in written communication and study habit in Tamil at secondary level’, S. Selvaraj, June 2018.
- ‘Impact of effective small group learning and web-based learning on pupils’ achievement for the topic environmental education at upper primary school level’, A.Regana Banu, December 2017.
- ‘Effectiveness of e-learning and concept mapping techniques on pupils’ achievement for the topic environmental education studying at secondary school level’, D.Muruganantham, June 2017
- ‘Academic achievement of secondary school students in relation to their parental involvement and computer self-efficacy’, A.LeelaBernath, March 2018.
- ‘A study on emotional intelligence attitude, guidance needs and academic achievement of science students in arts and science colleges’, T.Vimala, February 2018.
- Cultural Fest on “Chem-Fest 2024” held on 16.04.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Technical Fest on “Chemistry Department Technical Fest-24” held on 16.04.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Career Counseling Program on “Formulae for Success” held on 20.03.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Soft Skills Program on “Employability Skills Program” held on 07.03.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Competitive Examination Guidance Program on “Success to TNPSC” held on 05.02.2024, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Awareness of Trends and Technology Program on “A Curated List of Cheminformatics Software and Libraries” held on 26.10.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Career Counseling Program on “Higher Education in India: Challenges and Opportunities” held on 19.10.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Club Activities Program on “Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Research Club (GSIRC)” held on 17.10.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Soft Skills Program on “Communication Skills and Interview Techniques” held on 04.09.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Language & Communication Skills Program on “Writing an Article for the Press” held on 29.08.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Language & Communication Skills Program on “Trends in Communication” held on 29.08.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Life Skills Program on “Workshop on Reference Management Using Mendeley Cite with Microsoft Office 365” held on 30.08.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Competitive Examination Guidance Program on “SET and NET Coaching for Success” held on 22.08.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Life Skills Program on “Analytical Chemistry: Data Analysis” held on 15.03.2023, organized by the Department of Chemistry.
- Special Seminar on ‘Nanoscience’ 1st November 2022 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
- Seminar on ‘Concepts in Bioinorganic Chemistry’ 5th May 2022 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
- Webinar on ‘Supramolecular Chemistry: Analytical methods and biomedical applications’ 24th April 2021 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
- Webinar on ‘Corrosion and its Mitigation Strategies: Fundamental Aspects and Recent Approaches’ 13th April 2021 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
- Hands on Training on ‘X-ray Crystallography and Interpretation’ on 22/09/2019 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
- International Conference on Advanced Chemical and Structural Biology – ICACSB-2019 between 19th to 21st February 2019 at PRIST Deemed to be University
- Summer School on ‘Drug Discovery and Development’ during 16th – 20th July 2018 at PRIST Deemed to be University, Thanjavur.
- Lecture-cum-Workshop on ‘Interpretation of Spectral, Chromatographic, Crystallographic, Computational data of Chemical systems’ January 28-30, 2016. Jointly organized by PRIST University and IICPT, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.
Head, Department of Education, School of Education,
Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science and Technology(PRIST), Vallam,Thanjavur -613403.
04362 -265021